What do you guys make of this fellow? He kind of flew in at the right time in Illinois, running virtually unopposed in 2004, and now he's like an up and coming star. I consider myself a reluctant-Republican and I fear what would happen if another Democrat got elected to the White House. My fear is due to the fact that Clinton treated terrorism as "criminal activity" so he would not need to comimt to a war (which by looking at conditions in Iraq, maybe was a smart political move). I read an excerpt from a book he wrote called The Audacity of Hope in Time magazine and he seemed really genuine, though I diagree with some of his stances he considers political and I see as moral.
Is he a smooth talking liberal lawyer, or is he a trustworthy individual? Time thinks he could be President. In a war against terrorists could we elect a man who tries to be the conciliatory hero?
He is a media darling, due to his race and charisma. But he has little heft of his own. I see him as the John Edwards of 2008. So maybe he'll be Hillary's running mate.
I'm not voting for Ron Paul because it's not expressly prescribed in the Constitution.
He was talking yesterday on Tim Russert and it sounded like he is thinking about running. He is the media darling right now. He is charismatic, good looking (not in a gay way), and a polished speaker. He provides a nice image of the democratic party versus the usual images we see of Dingey Reed, Drunken Kennedy, and Shrill Pelosi. His politics though are nothing short of left wing. If he is challenged on his record he comes out smelling like a liberal. He is not a moderate centrist. This is where his opponents will pick him apart.