Does anyone have theories about alternate explanations for September 11?
The one thing that sticks in my head, is when i watched the towers come down, I thought: that building looks like it was imploded. It was just too neat.
I saw a carefully orchestrated building implosion in Las Vegas once. Carefully placed e charges, perfectly timed, to cause the building to collapse in on itself and sink to the ground almost gently.
I have wondered the same thing, to be honest. My only problem is how the charges could have been placed in such a conspicuous locale without being noticed. Why drop the buildings during the daytime when all could see the orchestrated demolition? Why not at night? I don't know. But sadly, I'm partially open to our government being in on 9-11. I also happen to wonder how Pearl Harbor got pulled off. The entire Pacific fleet at Hawaii, dangling like raw meat to a pride of lions? Who was the rocket scientist in charge of deployment there? Are any wars "accidental" anyway?
There was a professor at BYU who stated that it was his belief that the plane crashes weren't sufficient by themselves to bring the towers down. Obviously there are problems with theories like a controlled implosion, but there are problems with the official story as well. If you ignore motive for a second, it is doable to bring down towers like that with a controlled implosion. It's not necessarily easy. But it wouldn't be impossible to slyly sneak the explosives in and set them. Especially if, as you say, the government is in some way complicit. So, it's doable. That just leaves the motive. Obviously, if the government were in on it, that would be just tremendously evil on their part. What could motivate a group of people large enough to do something that is so incredibly evil?
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
Fregramis wonders are any wars accidental. Joel Skousen, former Chairman of the Conservative National Committee in Washington, DC, former Executive Editor of The Conservative Digest, and author and editor of the weekly newsletter "World Affairs Brief", responding to one of my questions during an email interview on December 8, 1999:
"The goal of undermining U.S. sovereignty and merging the U.S. into a world government has existed even before WW1. While there were several motives behind each of these wars, the primary goal was to begin the establishment of global governance. WW1 brought on the League of Nations, which failed to be ratified in the U.S. Requiring excessive German reparations was one of the ways in which the globalists ensured that a second WW would have to be fought--where they would try again to establish ad world governing body (the UN). They got half of what they wanted in WWII. They need another world war to give the UN permanent police and military powers and undermine national sovereignty...Vietnam had a special purpose, I believe--to kill the American impression left over from WWII--that war can be a good, patriotic, character building experience, both personally and collectively. Vietnam was designed to give war a bitter taste to all Americans and to kill their will to defend the world against Communism. Note that when Kosovo came around, they had to resurrect a form of pro-war fervor, but they did it in terms of saving the world from genocide and human suffering--not Communism (How could they when both sides in Kosovo were Communists?)"
Just my opinion, but I believe that the airborne terrorist attacks in NYC & DC were organized by what I call Latter Day Gadiantons (LDGs) for a spectacular show, another step in the plan to instill fear into Americans, and probably others as well, and coerce Americans into ultimately seeking and accepting protection from a powerful world wide organization, probably the United Nations, at further expense to our national sovereignty.
Another or additional reason may have been to provoke the US to spend its means and strength warring in foreign lands, as is now being talked up in the media, leaving us spread out and further weakened and more vulnerable to attack by those enemies that the LDGs, with so much help from our own traitors, have been preparing for the purpose of destroying the one nation that really stands in the way of the one world government they desire.
I believe the real perpetrators of the attacks are those persons whose ultimate goal is total relinquishing of national sovereignty and submission to a world government.
Had the perpetrators of the attack really wanted to do damage, there is much more they could have done on an ongoing basis. They could have poisoned our water supplies, executed gas and biochemical attacks, even possibly nuclear explosions in major cities. This may well happen soon enough. I suspect the plan is behind schedule as it is.
Didn't George Washington have a vision of three major upheavals of the Republic: the War of Independence, the Civil War and a third war worse than the first two combined? I'll try to find a link to it. I did some reading on it and it is disputed with regards to its authenticity. I guess any mention of visions or angelic visitations is sure to evoke mockery and disdain. But it claims that divine intervention will have to occur before the third conflict ends. Cities and villages burning were mentioned, I beleive. All it would take is a few nuclear attacks in major metroploitan cenetrs and martial law would be declared.
Another question: What kind of safety can LDS specifically look forward to if they are keeping the commandments? The flight west was to protect the early Church from mobs and the Civil War. We are now commanded to gather to "stakes"? How could this be interpreted in a physical way? I know it is spiritual in one sense. Thoughts please...
I read the report of the "Son of the Republic" vision that George Washington reportedly had, and don't know what to make of it. There are other what I call "unofficial prophecies" about America's future attibuted to John Taylor, George Albert Smith and some other early General Authorities. They do influence my thinking Re. preparedness. But I think it is imiportant that we each invoke the Spirit in making our preparedness programs, as one family's circumstances and needs may be quite different than anothers. Just being called on a misson again has altered my thinking about our preparedness needs, inview of a temporary relocation, and all that goes with that.
My understanding, without taking time to do research thru my crazy, mixed-up files, is that there is no physical gathering underway now, and that when it comes to that we will be duly advised by our stake and ward leadership. I think the plan now is to keep members in as many countries as possible to assis in the missionary effort.
Here is the paper by BYU professor Steven E. Jones about the collapse of the towers, including a third building, WTC 7, that wasn't hit by the planes at all.
Well, we're told that building 7 had to be brought down because of structural issues. The thing is, building demolitions need to be set up carefully weeks in advance.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
I'm about as anti-conspiracy-theory as they come. But I've always wondered about one thing associated with 9/11: The anthrax attacks. After the initial investigation, no details or conclusions were forthcoming. It's as if that particular investigation couldn't be shut down quick enough. What are your thoughts?
-- Edited by Roper at 08:18, 2006-08-28
The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life. - Julie Beck
Hello, All. I'm Melissa, this is my first post here. I'm a pretty quiet poster over at Nauvoo. Glad to be here.
As for the whole September 11th theory, I buy the official story hook, line and sinker. Call me gullible, but I don't think our government had anything to do with it. The other day I was watching footage of the towers collapsing and it was very clear to me that it fell with the top leading the way and bringing the rest of it down as it went. Implosions, from what I've seen, seem to start at the bottom and the rest falls on top. This was an attack on our country, plain and simple. Besides, what possible motive would the US government have? It makes no sense to me.
I guess I take the most obvious solution as to whom to blame for the collapse of the buildings... and that was...
Okay, really, I've heard other theories, but honestly, I'm not convinced by them. I once heard that many of the top floors were not insulated with asbestos and that the heat from the fuel actually ignited the other insulation used, it was so intense that the structure burned up, and collapsed inward. It's possible. I know that Popular Mechanics did a rather comprehensive study and found it possible. They also debunked the pentagon and building 7 conspiracies in that article. This is not a popular article with conspiracy theorists, however.
It's easy to sit back now and think, "That could've never happened," but it did. I find conspiracies far more complicated, but I suppose they're "possible" in the realm of possibilities, but still motives are not really clear as to why. Further Bin Laden takes credit for it, almost immediately, and clearly Islamic Fascists have for a long time targetted american targets.
It is problematic that many of these conspiracy theories continue to resurface, year after year, because the younger generations are starting to forget what it was like before, or they were too young to really care, and so they don't feel the urgency of an enemy that'd love to do us all in...
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)
If said motive for government involvement does exist, it would be very hard for us to comprehend or lend any credence to it. The reason for that is simple: you would have to be very thoroughly evil to even consider doing something like that. Do we really understand Stalin's reason for starving millions of Ukrainians? Do we really understand Pol Pot's motivation for killing his countrymen? We can objectively look at what they thought to gain, what their stated reasons were, etc. But if it hadn't actually, observably occured, we'd be unable to lend any credence to those motives. They seem insane to us. And governments have existed that have killed their own people. Again, Stalin is a great example of this. So, what it gets down to is, do we believe that our government could ever sink to that level? What limitations are in place that would stop that? Remember, the Nephite government was very benign to start off with, but sin and secret combinations brought the government down to levels that were brutal and horribly wicked. So, where is our government compared to others? What are we doing to prevent it sinking to that level? Or has it sunk to that level? And conspiracies exist. That is a documented fact. Gangs are one commonly accepted example. The only question is, what scale do they exist on? Whether or not they exist in the government, I don't think that anyone doubts that they would like to have at least partial control over the government. So again, the question becomes, where is our country on the scale of conspiracy free to conspiracy overridden? What are we doing to make sure it doesn't move along the scale towards conspiracy overriden?
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
9/11 would require the complicity of thousands who "saw" planes fly into buildings, cooperation of television stations (plus some pretty fancy special effects) to broadcast the "event", and silence by government perpetrators (our government is very poor about keeping anything secret).
Stalin required only himself to carry out his agenda, and the motive was obvious...power. Why entertain the improbable, when the "apparent" is so well attested?
What possible motives could such a collective endeavor entail?
If government conspiracy is going to be hypothesized, motive is a threshold requirement.
This question is directed to those who think 9/11 was staged by the government. What is the motive?
I'll start by saying I don't think 9/11 was staged by the government. At that time, I was an intelligence officer and saw enough of the classified source material and analysis to convince me it was truly a terrorist attack.
However, I'm still bewildered by the anthrax attacks. The last official analysis I saw was that the intelligence community had determined the spores were weaponized from the Ames strain (US--Texas, in fact) and had most likely come from a U.S. lab. Intel also clearly identified the associated letters as hoaxes deliberately designed to make the attacks look like Arab terrorists. After that, the intel community went strangely silent on the anthrax issue and turned all of its resources to the airline attacks.
So naturally I ask "What did we discover about the anthrax attacks that needed redirection?" My own analysis: Either it was a home-grown like McVeigh or Kaczynski, or it was someone who stood to make a whole lot of money from our government's response (we will spend $4.4 billion on bioterrorism in FY 07.) If it was either of those cases, I think the administration probably decided that it was in the country's best interest to quietly turn our attention away.
The other possible alternative is that we just don't know. Despite our best resources employed in investigating the anthrax attacks, the perps were just too smart and the plan too well executed. Or our intel community was inept--it's been known to happen.
-- Edited by Roper at 22:57, 2006-08-28
The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life. - Julie Beck
I don't have answers for all of the BYU professor's questions. But it would not have been necessary to melt the steel structure, the fire only had to be hot enough to weaken the structure. There was the equivalent of a massive eleven story building above where the plane crashed, so if the steel weakened it's not surprising that it fell. Once it hit the floor below, it had to keep going because the steel structure was not designed to support a falling, massive, eleven-story building. Each succeeding floor was impacted by even more weight.
The professor pointed out that other high rises with fires did not collapse, but I didn't seem him address the fact that the towers were unique in their construction. The size of the structure was perhaps one factor, and the engineers had used a novel system for transmitting the weight down to the ground. The professor said that other buildings have behaved differently when on fire, but I wonder if he took the unique construction of the towers into account.
Anyway, I don't know how the government could cover up something like this if the government really did it. You know, government workers aren't raised in a cloning tank in a basement in a top secret location. They are Americans. They come from all walks of life. They have different viewpoints. Some government workers were so incensed by the fact that the government keeps track of phone calls between Al Quaeda operatives and people inside the USA, they decided to blab it to the press, who dutifully spilled this top secret information. Some government workers had all the details of the government's efforts to track financial transactions by our enemies, and they thought it was OK to spill that top secret information to the media. Some government workers were so upset at the thought of Al Quaeda members being held in secret prisons, they spilled that information as well. If all these people of delicate conscience were so upset that they had to help the enemy by revealing this stuff, it is completely beyond my imagination how the government could stop them from revealing the details of something that truly is evil, like knocking down giant skyscrapers full of people.
Lundbaek: "Just my opinion, but I believe that the airborne terrorist attacks in NYC & DC were organized by what I call Latter Day Gadiantons (LDGs) for a spectacular show, another step in the plan to instill fear into Americans, and probably others as well, and coerce Americans into ultimately seeking and accepting protection from a powerful world wide organization, probably the United Nations, at further expense to our national sovereignty."
HSR: Well, the official story is so incredibly close to that, one wonders why it doesn't suffice. Al Qaeda is a secret organization who seeks to gain it's objectives through plots and mayhem. They attacked the towers as part of their plan to get their caliphate going again, and eventually take over the world. Of course instilling fear and removing national sovereignty are amongst their aims. They fit the description of the gadiantons in every way, except it doesn't involve Bilderbergers, the Queen, Elvis, aliens, or Cheney.
Lundbaek: "I believe the real perpetrators of the attacks are those persons whose ultimate goal is total relinquishing of national sovereignty and submission to a world government."
A quote out of an 11th grade schoolbook in Iran: "I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world-devourers [i.e., the infidel powers] wish to stand against our religion, we will stand against their whole world and will not cease until the annihilation of all them. Either we all become free, or we will go to the greater freedom which is martyrdom. Either we shake one another's hands in joy at the victory of Islam in the world, or all of us will turn to eternal life and martyrdom. In both cases, victory and success are ours."
Lundbaek: "Had the perpetrators of the attack really wanted to do damage, there is much more they could have done on an ongoing basis."
HSR: You mean stuff like attack our allies? They sucessfully overthrew Spain's government. Britain was made of sterner stuff, and absorbed the bus bombing. Saudi Arabia has had all sorts of terrorist problems, most of them don't make the news. We've foiled many others, including most recently the even bigger plane bomb plot.
Again, the official explanation makes sense and fits your theory perfectly, doesn't it?
Noel, it doesn't need to be nearly as complicated as that. Why stage the planes flying into the building if you could just convince some terrorists to crash some planes into some buildings? While I have read theories that doubt there were any planes at all, I tend not to give them any credence, for the reaons you name. But if the government was complicit, it makes a lot of sense for them, as part of the cover story, to have terrorists actually crash planes into the buildings. As for motive, I started off with the "how do you understand the motive of an evil person" thing because it is easy to speculate possible motives, but the usual protest raised generally boils down to, "That reason would never, ever motivate me to do such a thing." But evil people are not, in my mind, rational. But, as I said, motives are easy to find. For instance, why not the motive you assigned to Stalin? Power is a strong motivator. It is indisputible that the government significantly expanded its power after 9/11. You could argue that it was necessary for them to do so in order to expand our safety. But it is a well established fact that their power did expand. Simple desire to kill is another possible reason. Sociopaths can be very charming. Perhaps even charming enough to get elected. The other objection that was raised is that the number of people involved means that it would either be unworkable or would definitely be leaked. I have a two part answer to this. First, it would not necessarily leak in a significant way. The government can keep secrets fairly well. There are many notable exceptions, but there are also many examples to prove the rule. For instance, the stealth fighter was a well kept secret for most of its development. There are other military projects that also prove the rule. Don't forget, it doesn't have to be the whole government, or even a significant part of it, for the "government" to be complicit. A relatively small group could be responsible. The second part of my reason is just that maybe word has leaked. Would we really hear about it, given the vast number of conspiracy theories out there? Many of them are downright silly, such as the theory that the moon landing was staged (a theory that I lend absolutely no credence to). It's just like spam. There are cases where your spam filter will filter out a legitimate email. But mostly those emails get lost unless you carefully go over which messages are getting filtered.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
another step in the plan to instill fear into Americans, and probably others as well, and coerce Americans into ultimately seeking and accepting protection from a powerful world wide organization, probably the United Nations, at further expense to our national sovereignty.
I dunno. This just struck me as funny. "powerful organization, probably the United Nations.." This "powerful organization" can't even decide what color uniforms to wear. I don't think they could protect their own building from attack without the NYPD, let alone the US.
That's what really bothers me about most conspiracy theories with which I disagree... they often imply a huge organization that no one knows about, all keeping a deep dark secret and all of them manage to masterfully pull off their nefarious schemes without a hitch.
I've worked in companies that pride themselves for hiring the best and the brightest, and try as they like just to keep upcoming products or changes in company politics a secret, or just to change the menu at the cafeteria, and it's a major fiasco.
I mostly attribute our failures as a country and as a nation to what I call "incompetence through greed", neither of which really fit the conspiracies swirling around 9/11.
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)
I have a a couple of friends who are into the conspiracy theory that 9/11 was planned by the Government, because of this I have done a lot of research into the matter. While I also share a distrust of government with Arbilad, I feel that something like this is completely unreasonable. The evidence is overwhelming that this was orchestated by Al Qeida, and that our government was too incompetent to see it coming.