quote:WASHINGTON President Barack Obama suggested Wednesday that a new value-added tax on Americans is still on the table, seeming to show more openness to the idea than his aides have expressed in recent days.
VAT is an incremental tax that is added to goods at each stage of development--at each transaction. A book for example: Tax gets charged at the mill for turning wood pulp into paper, at the press for applying ink, at the warehouse for storing and distributing, and at the bookstore.
If sales tax exceeds about ten percent, people start getting upset and start finding ways to avoid paying the tax--buying over the internet, for example. VAT is a way to hide tax. You can levy fifteen to twenty percent on the same goods, but spread it out so that others share the tax burden. However, tax cost is just passed on to the end consumer in the form of higher prices.
It's the same underlying reasoning for automatic payroll withholding of taxes--if you don't see it, then you don't mind paying it. (If everyone had to write out a hefty check to the gubment every quarter, like small businesses do, we would all be screaming for tax reform.) VAT will allow the government to tax goods at a much higher rate without public outrage.
The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life. - Julie Beck