I read today in a News With Views poll http://www.newswithviewsstore.com/polls.html that Glenn Beck recently said that John McCain would have made a worse president than Obama. His reasoning was that all the Christians and Republicans would remain asleep under McCain, but now under Obama, they are waking up. Do you think he is right ?
I think he is right. My perspective of Senator McCain is of a man without principle. He is a globalist bucking for position in the planned New World Order government. He has demonstrated to me and plenty of others that despite what he says on certain occasions, he does not believe in right-to-life, nor the right to keep and bear arms. He frustrated efforts of the Senate POW/MIA Committee to properly investigate missing men lost both in 'Nam and Korea. It continues, but I haven't time nor interest to dig out links to evidences of other egregious actions. It is really discouraging to me to note that certain prominent LDS politicians publicly endorsed McCain for president.