D&C 63:54 speaks of how there will be foolish virgins among the wise, but eventually there will be an "entire" separation of the wicked from the righteous. How is this prophecy being fulfilled?
There are 2 scriptures in the D&C which mention the separation or division between the wise virgins and the foolish virgins, D&C 63: 54 & D&C 45: 56-57.
D&C 63: 54 "And until that hour there will be foolish virgins among the wise; and at that hour cometh an entire separation of the righteous and the wicked; and in that day will I send mine angel to pluck out the wicked and cast them into unquenchable fire."
D&C 45:56-57 "And at that day, when I shall come in my glory, shall the parable by fulfilled which I spoke concerning the ten virgins. For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived - verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day."
I think D&C 86: 1-7 & D&C 88: 94 describe it as a separation of the wheat and the tares. And in Joseph Smiths translation of Matthew 24, the Lord speaks in Verse 22 of the elect who are of the covenant who will be deceived, and in Verse 37 of the elect who treasure up His word and are not deceived.
1 Nephi 14: 10 & 13 may provide the clearest and most complete information available regarding how he Lord will divide the righteous from the wicked at the time of His second coming. In a vision Nephi saw battle lines drawn between members of "the church of the Lamb of God" and members of "the church of the devil", aka "the mother of abominations" and "the whore of all the earth".
The next trick is to identify what is or who are members of "the church of the Lamb" and what is or who are members of "the church of the devil", because the scriptures regarding the ten virgins, the tares, and the elect seem to indicate that many members of "the Church of the Lamb" will also belong to "the church of the devil".
To keep this short, two LDS authors who have tackled this subject of "the church of the devil" (Christopher Bentley in "The Hidden Things Of Darkness" and the late 70, H. Verlan Andersen in "The Great And Abominable Church Of The Devil" and "The Book Of Mormon And The Constitution") have demonstrated that "the church of the devil" is not a religious organization (in spite of Bruce R. McConkie identifying it as the Catholic Church in his first edition of "Mormon Doctrine"), but instead it is "prostituted government" that destroys freedom rather than preserves it, as was the purpose of the constitutional republic of the United States.
IMO and that of the referenced LDS authors and others I know of, the prophecy in question is being fulfilled by active members of the Church who either are deceived or are persuaded to affiliate with or support government actions which destroy freedom rather than preserve it.
At this point I dont want to get into examples of members of the church who are or have affiliated with or supported government actions which destroy freedom rather than preserve it. That is another study in itself, and a very controversial one at that.
The tares are being separated from the wheat, each and every day.
The constitution has been torn to shreds.
I am so sickened by Obama/Reid/Pelosi and the other Gadiantons, freedom is now a thing of the past, we no longer truly have freedom of speech. They will soon have control over our property, our bank accounts, our medical records and those who have championed privacy for years will take all of it away.
I'm hoping that Mitt or Glen Beck or some other good Elder in Israel that is known nationally will step forward and hold it up!
I was sickened to death to see a photo of the potus on the front of the Church News.
I can only see another Civil War on the horizon, that or an invasion by another country... probably China.
Temple work is more important now than it ever has been.
Those who stand in holy places can have hope and peace, those who don't, won't.