According to this what if article, an Obama loss would "shake american politics to its very core". I was shocked when I read that. Why would an Obama loss shake american politics to its very core? This Obama as messiah thing has gotten really old. And it will only get worse when he wins.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
My own observation of media bias and influence of American voters goes back to the 1964 Goldwater - Johnson election, when the media succeeded in convincing many voters that Goldwater would start WW3.
"One of our best-kept secrets is the degree to which a handful of huge corporations control the flow of information in the United States. Whether it is television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books or the Internet, a few giant conglomerates are determining what we see, hear and read. And the situation is likely to become much worse as a result of radical deregulation effortsand some horrendous court decisions. Television is the means by which most Americans get their news. Without exception, every major network is owned by a huge conglomerate that has enormous conflicts of interest. This is an issue that Congress can no longer ignore." --Congressman Bernie Sanders,The Hill (12 June 2002)