According to this article, doctors in California no longer have the right to refuse service based on their religious beliefs. Apparently it is the belief of the judges that a professional, in this case a doctor, has a certain obligation to provide services to the community, and that his personal beliefs are less important than that obligation. So what do you think? Does a doctor have an obligation to provide fertility services to anyone who may ask? If Mirkwood were told by his superior officer to escort women into an abortion clinic, should he be obliged to comply? If someone approached Valhalla and asked him to help him sue a weapons manufacturer for his brother's death, would he be legally obligated to take the case? What happened to land of the free?
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
I'm listening to the Michael Medved show right now about this.
The doctors in question did not only refuse the fertility treatment because the lady was a lesbian, but because she wasn't married. (Well at the moment she could be in California.)
If it were an emergency procedure to save someones life, and not an elective procedure. I would say it would be wrong to refuse service, but this isn't that at all.
It was the state legislature and not the judiciary in California that pushed the laws that make it illegal to discriminate based on sexual orientation, but also laws prohibiting people from taking marital status into account.
Fortunately At the moment it is only California. Perhaps a lot of people who have any moral/religious convictions at all should move out of the state.
I overheard some moms at the Kindergarten assessment this morning and one's friend or cousin or something sued her doc because her tubal was not effective and she got pregnant. Apparently the doc is paying paternity...?!?
Life is tough but it's tougher if you're stupid. -John Wayne
I am furious with the California Medical Association. If I move to CA, I will only financially support them so that I can see them removed and new leadership installed.
It is known that tubal ligation is not 100% effective. If the doctor told her it was, then she could possibly be sued, but most doctors are pretty good about mentioning that little tidbit.
This kind of thing hurts people. How many christian fertility specialists are going to want to practice medicine in California now? There are already states where it's hard to find a gynecologist because they have to pay obscene malpractice insurance premiums because of the number of lawsuits.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
Drive-out all the people who think differently from you and you are left to do whatever you please. From my limited experience with OB/GYN physicians that I have worked with are staunch supporters of abortion.
There is one Catholic OB/GYN physician who absolutely refuses to prescribe birth control pills or anything contrary to the Pope's decrees. She made a conversion midway through her career. When speaking to students she freely admits that most OB residency programs would not accept you if you told them you were against abortions and contraceptives.
The MD degree is considered one of the most prestigious of the doctorate degrees granted. If those professionals are stripped of their rights and forced to become automatons, then no one will be safe from state enforced atheism.