Cooking your own food isn't all it's cracked up to be. It requires a great deal more time, equipment, and skill, than most people are willing to spend on food, especially if you want to spend your time getting more exercise and working that second job to make ends meet. :)
I see through your devil's advocate act, you processed food nazi!
With all the free time you have right now, you have no excuse for not cooking from scratch!
WIC gives you a little cookbook thingie when you sign up for it, but WIC is very specific. I think the only fresh produce you can get is carrots and apples--it also depends on the amount you qualify for... They do give you things like dry beans, and lentils and such. It's a decent program in that it encourages cooking. They gave us more milk that we could drink, because we had an newborn baby... Though it's been a year since we were on the program... so I forget some of the details...
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)
I made this balsamic vinegared lentil stew once. With spinach and potatoes... it was interesting. I liked it... it made me go put on a veil and robes and play Ravel's "Bolero"...
So, Euph - would that be a 48 hour soak for garbanzo's? Did you boil them at the start?
Life is tough but it's tougher if you're stupid. -John Wayne
I didn't used to do the pressure cooker either, coco. But now I wouldn't go back to the dark ages. I can make awesome homemade refried beans in under three hours from dry beans to burritos! I kid you not. Two hour "power soak", then 15 minutes at pressure, and viola! Easy, fast. Not having to plan a day ahead helps me use beans a lot more often. And... it saves energy too. So there, you backwater enviro-disaster!
garbonzos? You mean chickpeas? Do you make hummus? I generally can't get any beans soft... we have some kidney beans... requires too much prep work... maybe that's why I don't make them. :)
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)
My paternal grandparents were the "working poor" and my father has said that my grandma could whip up basic healthy meals when it seemed like there was no food in the house at all. They did all the things we've talked about here - huge garden, cows, canning, making food from scratch, all of it.
So it was the surprise of a lifetime when we had a sister board with us for a while who came from a background of "Maritime welfare poor." After she lived with us for a while she told us what an eye-opener it was for her to see us budget, and rarely eat in restaurants, and cook from scratch.
She honestly had the perception that as "rich people" - because we owned a home and a car - she thought we lived like she did, with pre-ordered pizzas and sugared cereals and a pop and chocolate bar every day, but that we made enough extra money to also afford a house.
It really is education for some people. My SIL volunteered at an organization called "Country Kitchen", which showed Native women in her area how to menu plan and cook basic meals. They had no idea how to do these things because they'd never been taught.
And in regards to that article, do those people live in a different world than me? Since when is buying salmon considered a sacrifice instead of a luxury? The only time I get steak is on my birthday, and I've always bought the cheap roast. And the person who cut back by buying cheap items from McDonald's every morning? Puh-leeze.
-- Edited by dianoia at 12:47, 2008-01-15
They might not look it, but bunnies can really take care of themselves.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing with the salmon deal. I only buy fish when it's 3 days old... j/k... it's gonna expire in about a day, so they mark it 40% or 50% off or something. We hardly ever go out to eat, either. And what's funny, when we finally do... it's kind of a disappointment. But for many folks, that's just sort of their way of life.
Life is tough but it's tougher if you're stupid. -John Wayne