Here is the full text of the "Our Divine Constitution" conference address. I find it interesting that it doesn't seem anywhere near to containing the same amount of inflammatory rhetoric that seems to be shared so often by those of you who are promoting Ron Paul.
Now see lundbaek and hidden, that is the whole point... I'm sure you're going to win a whole lot of sympathy for your interpretations by ram-rodding it down people's throats... particularly by telling a candidate you don't support that they are are not as good or righteous as one of his opponents...
It is the same thing as telling all the rest of us here that we just don't get it...
Here, just as Pres. Benson has it bulletized, are the main points of HOW he counsels to be anxiously engaged...
First and foremost, we must be righteous.
Second, we must learn the principles of the Constitution in the tradition of the Founding Fathers.
Third, we must become involved in civic affairs to see that we are properly represented.
Fourth, we must make our influence felt by our vote, our letters, our teaching, and our advice.
On "First", I think we are all trying there... On "Second", where do we learn the principles "in the tradition of the Founding Fathers?" I for one am a little skeptical that The John Birch Society or other little fringe groups are the stewards of that tradition and understanding. On "Third", the level of involvement each individual puts in is their own choice, based on their individual situation and ability. On "Fourth", I find this quote to be most important in doing this... "We must become accurately informed"... refer back to what I said above (I'm skeptical about how accurate a lot of what is said by certain groups is)...
It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."
Actually, it's not Mitt Romney I am trying to influence. He by now surely is aware of the numbers of LDSs who instead of supporting him are supporting Ron Paul. One would think he would try to find out why. It's the LDSs who I'm trying to awaken to our "awful situation" and the need for return to constitutional government in the tradition of the "Founding Fathers".
I have already tried to influence Mitt Romney by sending him and our LDS congressmen the following message.
"O that thou mightest be like unto Congressman Ron Paul, firm and steadfast, and immovable in keeping the commandment of the Lord to befriend the US Constitution!"
Not a single reply.
I seriously doubt Lundbaek that Mitt or your congressmen ever saw it. Some secretary or aid put that in file 13 right away. Now if it would have had the valid signature of Gordon B. Hinckley, perhaps then he might have seen it.
Keep up the good work, but perhaps with congressmen and Mitt you could come off a little less like you are calling him to repentance. Believe me, they already think they are "it". It comes with being a politico.
-- Edited by Mahonri at 20:03, 2007-12-21
no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing... the truth of God will go forth till it has penetrated every website, sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done
I bet if he was garanteed all those Ron Paul supporters, he'd read it. You should be making a deal with him... I'm one of those mindless suckers that's already comMITTed... ;)
Heh. I should send that to him...
I'm comMITTed. Hee hee hee...
-- Edited by rayb at 17:23, 2007-12-21
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)
My wife is reminding me that in January we can give another $4,600.oo
UGH! I'm comMITTed, but not like my wife.
no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing... the truth of God will go forth till it has penetrated every website, sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done
no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing... the truth of God will go forth till it has penetrated every website, sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done
hiddentreasuredotws wrote:Is that money she earned? Or is she more comitted with your money?
Whats nice is how most politicians want to help and save us with someone elses money! How sincere and thoughtfull of them.
Interesting little tidbit of your personal attitudes and inferences you have shared with the board here. . .
when a couple embarks on a marriage, they generally share their assets and liabilities in an equal partnership toward common goals.
while I realize that there are exceptions to that generality, I do find it odd that you brought such a sharp relief to the issue of campaign contributions by your interest in whether or not the money for anyone else's suggested donation to a candidate was money "THEY EARNED" and the inference that she was somehow TAKING the money she wasn't an active and equally joint participant in deciding the uses for within her family.
One might wonder about the division of assets within your own happy little financial bubble . . . or said money is only allocated according to your choices . . .
Sorry, No offense intended, I agree that generally couples should work together with finances.
It did sound like a disagreement regarding the amount but this thread shouldnt be a discussion about marital finances. Sorry for the comment it may have been a little inapropriate. I commend you on your support of your wifes spending. My wife and I agree on Support of RON PAUL, with her agreeance we made contribution.