I've seen Governor Mike Huckabee on This Week with George Stephnopolous and on Fox News Sunday and felt very uneasy, mainly because he strikes me as someone anti-Mormon. His comments on the subject have been very evasive (like most politicians). Has anyone else gotten that vibe? Can anyone ease my concerns?
After a bit of googling, I believe he spoke at a Baptist meeting in SLC in 1998 which was designed to turn Mormons into Baptists, but I don't think he personally said anything anti-Mormon. Though it is troubling he was at the meeting.
The question I would ask him in a debate is if he has ever watched or showed others "God-Makers" or handed out anti-Mormon literature. If not, then I would be less uneasy. If yes, then I would wager Utah's electoral votes would not go to the Republicans (if he were the nominee).
to what degree are we going to be comfortable, as a nation and as individuals, dissecting the religious participation of ANY candidate?
while I am not a big fan of bashing another person's chosen faith or lack thereof, I am not too comfortable with the idea that someone can do so with impugnity.
we teach our youth all about the joys and sorrows of personal accountability for their choices, yet we think there is a magical, mystical dividing line between kids and adults and don't want to 'go there' in personal politics...
Interesting question. Knowing the Baptists in our area I would speculate that he most likely has watched the anti mormon smut. The Baptist church here would have their youth groups watch them and serve pizza at the same time. If it is any consolation they also had movies on other groups as well.
On the big moral issues of the day such as abortion, capital punishment, gay marriage, etc I actually hope that he sticks with his religious principles. He may not like mormons or agree with them but there isn't much he can do to the church or any other church for that matter. If he is still a man of principle then I can respect that.
As I've pointed out, I'm still undecided but Romney's slide in Iowa has me looking closer at the other candidates. I want a candidate that is strong and reflects my core beliefs and values. While no candidate is perfect in that regard, it is important to beat Hillary or Obamma though. Either one would be a dissaster.
Jason (Formerly salesortonscom)
As I walk through this earth, nothing can stop, the Duke of Mirth!
In response to the question, I saw information about that conference.
It appeared he was talking about American values at the conference, and not specifically about Mormonism. Though one of the books being peddled during that conference was openly Antimormon, but he was not the author of it.
This may be a case of guilt-by-association... But you're right he's been very evasive about the topic.
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)
Publicly in Iowa two weeks ago he called himself the "Un-Mormon".
He is a bigot.
no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing... the truth of God will go forth till it has penetrated every website, sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done
Back in the early church days the LDS were accused of block voting. Of course most LDS of the time were simply voting against openly anti-Mormon candidates.
Politician, "I want to drive the Mormons out!" LDS, "Ooh, I like his ideas. Please send the mob/militias our way." It's not going to happen.
Could this turn Utah, Idaho, Arizona, Nevada's vote? Wouldn't it be amazing if the perpetually 'R' locked states vote independent or 'D' because of this? If Huckabee is nominated he may end up losing all the electoral votes of the West. That is too sizable a chunk and the democratic nominee is a shoe-in.
Perhaps that is the Democratic plan, why they are holding off on attacks on Huckabee. If he gets the nomination they are going to start those press releases in Utah and the rest of the West, ensuring that Mormons will turn out in droves to not vote for him.
This is assuming of course that he has behaved as many other Baptist pastors have done. If he hasn't done this, then it is all a moot point.
I'll have to read that article on Sunday. (I didn't know about it before I started this thread. I just had an uneasy feeling about him.) If Huckabee starts spouting the anti-Mormon propoganda about Jesus and Satan being brothers, (it is not an innocent clarification question), then there is no way he is going to get my support or any support from the western states.
If his plan is to apologize after he has the nomination to try and smooth things over, he would be the standard shifty, untrustworthy politician.
Besides the fact every time I read or hear the name Huckabee I get a vision of Marty Feldman tormenting horses by calling out "Blucher", I don't see much brightness of countenance around the man. I can't put my finger on it, but there is something fundamental about him that I don't like. With the other candidates, like Paul or McCain or Thompson or Guilliani, I can fairly clearly identify what it is I don't like about them.
Maybe with Huckabee, he just looks too much like Mr. Olsen from Little House on The Prairie... but inside, he seems to be worse than even Nellie...
I think that as the truth comes out about Huckabee's actual impact fiscally as Governor and his subtle smears on Romney and LDS beliefs become more apparent to the voting public, he will implode pretty quickly. Huckabee has always been a dark horse contender and has really nothing to which people can tie up to in the long run if the goal is to prevent Billary or Obama or Edwards from getting the invite to reside in the White House...
It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."
WND says that the Huckabee surge came after Chuck Norris endorsed him. That may be the case. Or it may be a case of the logical fallacy post hoc, ergo propter hoc (after this, therefore because of this).
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
My Great Grandmother could have been classified as anti-Mormon and was a Baptist. I still loved her, however. Huckabee's ignorance of our religion will not keep me from voting for him though I would rather not have to (and don't think I will have to). I will not vote for Hillary or Obama nor sit on my vote and let one of them win if Huckabee is the Republican nominee.
.... Huckabee's ignorance of our religion will not keep me from voting for him though I would rather not have to .....
Please, he's not ignorant. A man of his supposed intelligence knows what we really believe, but he trotted out the most ridiculous ant-mormon line there is or ever has been.
Seriously, Mike Huckabee, Jesus, and Satan are all brothers, too. Mitt Romney is not their brother, because he is a Ken doll. Anyone with a wayward brother they're not proud of understands the doctrine.
Unfortunately for Huckabee, the people that love that "Jesus and Satan are brothers, OH MY!!!!!!" line are too stupid to find their car keys. So all he did was piss off people who aren't bigots (everyone), and get a "yeah dude" from the beer swilling, sister kissing, WWE crowd (who don't vote, BTW).
Newsweek magazine appears to have endorsed Gov. Huckabee.
What that tells you is: that is EXACTLY who Hillary wants to run against.
She knows she could never win against Mitt.
no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing... the truth of God will go forth till it has penetrated every website, sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done