The consensus seems to be that it would be useful to have a discussion on which emoticons are off limits. I don't have the time as forum administrator to create a new list with only approved emoticons, so, in the tradition of Joseph Smith, if we can decide on the correct principles, I hope that the members of the forum will, by and large, govern themselves. So, propose emoticons that you think should be off limits, and give your reason for doing so. If you think that an emoticon shouldn't be banned, please give your reason. After a reasonable period for discussion to take place, I will create a poll and we will decide jointly which emoticons should be banned. While I think that the playful nature of many on this forum adds a great deal, I would ask everyone to avoid frivolity on this subject. Only suggest that an emoticon be banned if you truly feel that it should not be used. Without further ado, here are the emoticons that I think should be banned. There are probably others, but these are the ones that immediately stood out to me. : buggered : : hump : Both of these emoticons depict sexual acts. They may not convey that meaning to every reader, but if a small amount of effort on our part can save a great amount of consternation on someone else's part, then I think that it's worth it.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
I didn't get how the first one is suggestive of sexual acts. Honestly w/o you saying that it was, I would not have thought that unless I saw the word description of the emoticons. And the second one reminded me of my cat trying to lick me. However, as you are the moderator, I respect what you say and so agree w/your assessment.
The ones I've seen elsewhere and don't like are smiles w/gunshot wounds, etc or blood coming out of them.
I don't know Polly...that last one is a little sacrilegious.
I'll do my civic duty and vote on the matter...I agree with restricting the two emoticons you've listed, Arbi. I vote for any moderator who sees one to edit it out and PM the user with a reminder/explanation.
I'll do my civic duty and vote on the matter...I agree with restricting the two emoticons you've listed, Arbi. I vote for any moderator who sees one to edit it out and PM the user with a reminder/explanation.
What she said.
"There is order in the way the Lord reveals His will to mankind. . .we cannot receive revelation for someone else's stewardship." L. Tom Perry
Euphrasie wrote:I don't know Polly...that last one is a little sacrilegious.
Actually I kind of agreed Euph... ...........however............ the word for that emoticon is "worship", which is a good word, in general... The way "I" personally came up with my list are the ones that I am not embarrassed by typing the emoticon word or acronym AND were the more "positive" emoticons... There are a bunch of others that are fine too, but they are things like There is abolutely nothing wrong with those either... it's just they are not on my "heavy use" list... I have to admit I like these little guys too:
Generally I post "quick reply" posts and so I am actually typing in :name of emoticon: to get the emoticon I want into my post. That means I "think" about what is behind the emoticon... so I made my own list of what are ones I "prefer" to use... for quick reference. Recently, that list was pared down by me because I am trying to be more positive in general... Now IF there was an emoticon that said :hittingforehead:, :drunkwithpower: :faceofpain:, etc... and they used cute pictures/emotions displays I would use those too... But I personally won't use any emoticon that has, a "Mormon swearing" acronym... because I don't generally use those words in my daily communications... because what my brain fills in it what I hear in the workplace... which is unacceptable to me.... But then that is a whole DIFFERENT champaign of cleaning up the language in the workplace...
For the record the only other emoticons I would not ever use (besides the 2 Arbi lists) is one about laughing a part of my body off, the ones that star out with words/acronyms of oh my.... the pet one... and one that starts with a w I count a total of 8. Oh... and I doubt I would use the coffee machine (but it doesn't "offend me")... still I've given a few rootbeers out...
I think it's a little silly to ban certain emoticons and post such a rule in what essentially amounts to our charter. I figure people ought to be trusted enough to use discretion in the appropriate expression of their thoughts. If someone uses the , that tells me something about them. Over time I build a portrait of each person here, and learn what to expect from them.
but, I don't feel strongly enough about this to cast a dissenting vote. I think it's fine for arbi to do what he wants with his own board. I don't choose to use the emoticons in question, so it's really neither here nor there to me.
Well, if we're taking a vote I would have to say since those two particular emoticons are considered to be offensive by some then they shouldn't be used. The only other ones that I can see that would be inappropriate are 4 other ones. Those that make reference to the f--- word and those take the Lord's name in vain.
But, I wouldn't be surprised if another one or two pop up some time in the future that might come into question, so we'll see...
It's nothing so specific, Polly, as to require an email. Here's my example...
If coco were to use the I wouldn't be surprised (and I wasn't, when she did do it awhile back), as it would be roughly consistent with the personality she has heretofore shown on this forum. If you were to use that, it would be very dissonant with the person that I judge you to be, based on my general recollections of the way you have presented yourself.
Similarly, when poncho used , it was obvious to me, based on both the context of her post and the picture I have in my mind of her personality, that she didn't intend to convey the meaning that arbilad interpreted.
Does that make sense?
Frankly, I can't picture anyone on this board using that particular emoticon with the intent to communicate the offensive meaning... so I would always interpret it as something different, particularly since the graphic can so easily be interpreted as several other things.
what emoticon??? (hint:my filter has been updated to screen out those... not that they offended me that much... but since there has been SO much discussion... ya' follow me?)
Clearly Bok's trying to push the boundaries... She hates to be told not to do something... she has issues with authority and order. WHo doesn't? That's why we're voting.
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)
I'm for outlawing the 2 emoticons Arbi mentioned and using our own personal discretion on the rest. I'd also be ok with handling the moderation of emoticon use by PM and not having to post about a specific incident on the mod board.
"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton