Any government service that takes away my free agency or personal responsiblity I think is bad in the long run. It makes us dependent on the government which starts a vicious nanny state mentality which results in us surrendering more personal freedoms. The government is notoriously wasteful and becomes an industry unto itself. Consider the tax system. The whole thing could be simplified with a flat tax or national sales tax but it never will be because so many people either work for the government directly or indirectly. From IRS workers to tax attourneys, CPS, book keepers, etc. That's a huge group of people who have no interest in losing their gravy train. Throw in a huge population of disconnected/disinterested/nonvoters who are happy with their next government hand out and you can see why nothing will change. It becomes a monster of our own creation.
Well, the government program my son receives that is designed to help him is a good program. At least it is paved with good intentions. Now the people who are "supposed" to be delivering the services to him well, that's a whole 'nother story...
Isn't that ALWAYS the problem with government programs? It's the people that implement the program that make them of questionable value... most programs assuage societal guilt--stuff we'd rather not do ourselves, so of course who does them?
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)
I think government programs which do the following are likely worthwhile:
Establish justice Ensure domestic tranquility Provide for the common defense Promote the general welfare Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity
(the fourth one is usually the one that gets abused)
I've read those somewhere else Hoss but due to my dismall public school education growing up, I can't remember where......I know, the Magna Carta right? LOL!!