Remember, Bok, this is Ray we're talking about. I'm sure that he's incorrigible on any forum.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
I think it is in response to "the silent treatment" we as a forum were given after some discussions that were started here a couple months ago that certain folks over there felt were out of line and what have you. There was a feeling by some folks more closely affiliated with the other forum that this forum shouldn't be free to discuss things here if it cast any shadow on the other forum, and there was the feeling in others that while out of courtesy, those wishes would be be included as part of this forum membership's general decorum, it did not preclude the right to a little tongue in cheek "response" (ergo, they would not allow direct reference or linking to this forum any longer, so we would not name that forum by name).
It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."
I'll "mock" (as you see it), until the day that I can post links to the Bountiful board, without having my posts editted.
It's a standard tactic for me... I refer to "the Cabin" as "The NonFortress".
You can say Nauvoo, but for me, it's my own way of reminding me (and others) to be genteel and sensitive when referring to that particular group, as it can cause trouble.
Make sense?
Probably not... So Bok, you don't think this is useful information?
I liked the signpost with the cliff and the car flying off the edge... It's like a Deer Crossing sign... "Watch for Flying Cars..."
Flying cars? Didn't harry potter have one of those too? Arbi, btw, last week when I listened to Harry Potter in the car for many many hours travelling from one undisclosed location to another undisclosed location in Utah... I noticed several times in each book in which there's a distinct possibility that there's a DIFFERENT mind inside Harry Potter's mind... consider when Moody first puts the mind-control curse on Harry... And there's a similar incident in each book so far that we've read... In fact I wished I'd had a book and could've written them down because clearly the last horcrux has something to do with Harry himself... :P
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)
So Bok, you don't think this is useful information? I believe I referred to it as "earth shaking."
You can say Nauvoo, but for me, it's my own way of reminding me (and others) to be genteel and sensitive when referring to that particular group, as it can cause trouble. But not because malicious gossip is a display of ignorance or low character. But hey, as long as you've found a way to play nice, I applaud you.