rayb wrote: I've got no beef against Hatch... then again, my Senators for life are Maria Cant-vote-well and Patty Murray (who is regularly voted the most stupid senator, by her peers.).
Would you rather have them?
I'll trade you Boxer, Feinstein, and throw in Pelosi for Maria and Patty. Do we have a deal?
rayb wrote: ... then again, my Senators for life are Maria Cant-vote-well and Patty Murray (who is regularly voted the most stupid senator, by her peers.).
I'm so sorry. I recently moved from Washington, and I remember the debate between her and ol' George Nethercutt. He verbally slaughtered her, but no one cared.
For thoseintent on "befriending that law which is the constitutional law of the land,the following review of the voting record of Latter Day Saint Senator, Orrin Hatch, compiled by an active CP member,may be of interest.
SOVEREIGNTY: Contrary to explicit Constitutional requirements ( Article 1, Section 8, clause 3 ), Senator Hatch has been a strong advocate of the establishment of international bodies, and unconstitutionally delegating to them regulation of commerce that the United States conducts with foreign nations. These efforts include support for NAFTA, GATT, WTO, CAFTA, etc.
EDUCATION: In spite of the fact that no authority is delegated to the national government by the Constitution to meddle in the field of education, Senator Hatch has supported unconstitutional (see Amendments 9 & 10 ) federal educational legislation such as Goals 2000" and No Child Left Behind, which dramatically infringes upon the authority of the state and local governments to establish local educational needs and standards.
WAR: The U.S. Constitution Article 1 Section 8 clause 11 requires the only Congress has the authority to take the nation into war. Again, ignoring the Constitution, Senator Hatch on numerous occasions has: supported the involvement of the United States military in wars that have not been constitutionally declared, and unconstitutionally voted to delegate authority to the President to go to war, and used the United Anations Resolutions and authority as justification for such unauthorized military action (See Iraq War Resolution, 10 October 2002 )
EROSION OF LIBERTY: While claiming to be a conservative Constitutionalist, and having privileged information that is not available to most Americans, Senator Hatch has consistently proceeded to vote away God-given, constitutionally protected liberties because of his perception of necessity - supporting the so-called USA PATRIOT ACT, which eviscerates the 4th Amendment and puts at risk many other cherished safeguards of American liberty.
RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS: Senator Hatch has not actively used the full power of his office to prevent the erosion of the 2nd Amendment (the right to keep and bear arms) ignoring the true purpose of this amendment, which is to protect the God-given right of Americans to protect themselves, their lives, their loved ones, and their property against all criminals - foreigh and domestic.
CONSTITUTION CONVENTION: Senator Hatch is one of the primary promoters of a call for a national constitutional convention, an act that would result if the loss of our current Constitution.
STEM CELL RESEARCH: In July 2006, Senator Hatch sponsored a bill that would have committed federal funding for embryonic stem cell research; this in spite of a complete lack of constitutional authority for the federal government to grant funds for any such purposes.
SUPREME COURT NOMINEES: Whilechair of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee, Hatch brought the names of both Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Steven Bryer to them President Bill Clinton as suggested nominees to the United States Supreme Court, and which, after their nomination by Clinton, Senator Hatch used all of his official power to assure that they would be seated on the Supreme Court - this in spite of theirknown perverse perspectives in regards to the written Constitution and the limits of opower placed upon the national government by the U.S. Constitution.
CRIME BILLS: Throughout his 30 years in the Senate, Hatch has sponsored and promoted multiplecrime bills designating certain crimes as federal crimes - crimes which are clearly beyond the scope of power granted to the national government within the Constitution, including the crimes of rape and domestic violence (see 1994 Violence Against Women Act). This legislation dramatically increases federal police powers into areas reserved to the states (see Amendments 9 & 10 )
HATE CRIMES: Senator hatch has sponsored federal hate crimes legislation in violation of constitutional limits placed upon federal authority over crime, and the constitutional reservation of authority over domestic crimes to the states. (See Amendments 9 & 10 )
SENATE BILL 8: On January 21, 1993, Hatch introduced Senate Bill 8", a federal crimes bill which, in violation of the 5th Amendment, would have allowed the taking of private property from individuals upon being accused of a crime, as well as dramatic expansion of federal crimes jurisdiction.
CHILD CARE: Hatch has promoted federal child care legislation in violation of constitutional authority (see Amendment 9 & 10 )
HEALTH CARE: Hatch has promoted and supported national Health Care legislation in various forms that again is in violation of constitutional authority ( see Amendments 9 & 10 )
NATIONAL ENDOWMENTS OF THE ARTS (NEA): During his tenure in the Senate, Hatch has cast multiple votes in favour of funding the NEA - an unconstitutional grant of monies from the national treasure to a foundation which has been used to promote obscene and denigrating material. No authority is granted within the U.S. Constitution for such expenditures.
The problem with Senator Hatch is not just Orrin Hatch. Much of the problem is the voters, and I single out the LDS voters especially because they should know better than all the others.
Most do not realize that the Lord "established the Constitution of this land, by the hands of wise men" whom He "raised up unto this very purpose." Consequently they look to the charismatic and often unscrupulous mortals to govern them.
Most do not realize that they are under obligation "to befriend the constitutional law of the land." Consequently they have not studied the Constitution, its principles, and its history.
Most do not realize that the Lord asked that "those principles which were so honorably and nobly defended, namely the Constitution of our land, by our fathers, be established forever." And they do not realize that "those principles" have been compromised, beginning even shortly after the Constitution was ratified. and at an increasing pace ever since.
Most do not realize that God "holds men accountable for their acts in relation to them (governments), both in making laws and administering them, for the good and safety of society." Consequently they look to government to serve their immediate interests, regardless of whether or not the laws and their administration are in compliance with the US Constitution.
Even if LDSs studied the US Constitution and its principles as diligently and faithfully as they read the Book of Mormon last year at the request of the Prophet, there would still be disagreements over what certain parts of it mean. My favourite example of that is the disagreement between James Madison and Alexander Hamilton on the meaning of "general welfare" in the Preamble of the Constitution, and Hamilton's radical change of opinion on the matter. Examples of disagreements of, I believe, lesser importance are those we find on this forum.
Decades ago certain General Authorities tried to give us guidance on some of the potentially controversial issues in the Constitution. They were generally ignored. It seems that their guidance on that subject has been shut off for now, at least.