"Like many of my fellow countrymen, I'm ashamed of the performance of this Congress, and my Party. However, that shame does not extend to ignoring the most sacred right bestowed upon us by our Founding Fathers. Forsaking that right as a form of protest is un-American and unthinkable for a true conservative.
Folks that are unhappy with what the Republicans have done in the past 22 months should consider voting for the Democrat in their state or district. Or the Independent. Or the Libertarian. Or write in their grandmother Mabel.
But don't stay home, for that dishonors all that have died to give you this precious right."
"With that in mind, try to imagine what turning over the House of Representatives to a dove like Nancy Pelosi (D-California) would say to those that have given their lives to this war effort, and those still risking so. What a shocking statement that would be to our military to hand over the reigns of power to such an irresponsible appeaser less than five years after we sent our friends and family members to die for their country."
I'm not voting for Ron Paul because it's not expressly prescribed in the Constitution.
<<<Then I read what Sen. John Kerry (D-My Wife’s Enormous Bank Vault) had to say at a rally at Pasadena City College. Suddenly, I’m motivated. For the first time in years, I have someone to vote for.
My vote will go to those American kids “stuck” in the military in Iraq.
You know, those (as John Kerry imagines them) barely-literate clods in the U.S. military? Those under-achievers whose life prospects are so utterly limited that their only career options are crime, telemarketing and - horrors - the Army?>>>
I'm not voting for Ron Paul because it's not expressly prescribed in the Constitution.
Well, it would by lying to say that there aren't such kids in the army (those with no other choice). But I've known a great deal of very intelligent people who serve in the military. Many military types go for higher degrees. Besides, it takes brains, for instance, to work on a nuclear reactor on a naval vessel. I certainly would not trust Kerry with that job. Kerry has definitely stuck both hooves in his mouth this time. But it'll blow over.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams