If "like the Americans, intelligent and well informed" of days past, we focused on the function of Federalism in guarding against "Foreign Arms and Influence", do you think the current liberal paradigm of globalist political loyality would be rejected just as confederist views were?
Are modern Americans intelligent and well-informed?
Note that the First and Foremost concern for a people, according to Jay, is their Safety. I think this is why the war and the terrorist threat trump many other issues today--and why people will stick with Bush and the Republicans come November 7th.
I'm not voting for Ron Paul because it's not expressly prescribed in the Constitution.
I think that is what we are dealing with now to some extent... nearly a whole generation of people who have grown up since the threat of Soviet Russia collapsed. We still felt we were invulnerable, and then came a weasal of a man into the presidency who took that feeling and started to reduce our capability to defend ourselves and our interests and our allies and their interests as effectively as previously. And, for those of us who were young adults when that occured, the closest thing we really had to "fear" for in safety was in international travel to certain areas, as Iran, Lebanon, and the PLO were only a regional problem with little direct impact into how we as teens and young adults viewed the world and our safety here in the US. Anyway, my ... I guess I ought to actually read the paper and see if I'm even somewhere near the target with those comments...
It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."