I was in Nauvoo for a few years and made some wonderful friends there, including Kathleen, ye olde janitor, for whom I have great respect and love. She is very encouraging and comes to visit whenever she is in town, I try to do the same when I head out back east.
Anyway, I enjoy discussing a number of different things and I truly enjoy writing, and thinking things through. Frankly, I miss the challenge sometimes of testing my ideas (gospel and otherwise) against the view points of others.
I did post a mission experience on Meridian and it is there you can see a picture of me and my family.
Presently I am at a loss for words, but I suppose it is enough for now.
We have a veritable celebrity in our midst now! We're legit!
Ray, you best move over, Jeff is actually published! You're still in the works, and I'm still a wannabe hack...
Honored to meet you, and glad you have joined with us, Jeff! Arbilad highly recommends you, and if you are a personal friend with Sis. Kidd, then you definitely have some redeeming qualities about you! I think I remember reading your article on Meridian when it was published. All I can say is "Wow!"
It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."
Jeff, I read your article. What a brutally honest and beautiful story! Thanks for sharing the link. Welcome to the forum. Great to have you here!
If you're interested in writing fantasy and stories for adolescents, I'd invite you to participate in the writing contest that http://beanleafpress.com is having... we're just a bunch of fantasy writers, trying to create a new world, and start a little publishing company... and ironically we're all LDS (though that wasn't the intent... it just appears that LDS writers tend to actually get the job done... :) Well, unless Cat gets distracted by freecell... )
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)
Did Kathryn get you to do that (for Meridian)? If so, thank her for me (she hasn't stopped by Nauvoo lately like she said she would occasionally). I'm glad you have shared your wonderful talent with a greater audience. Your writing is so captivating!
I am presently reading Joseph Smiths biography "Rough Stone Rolling". I am amazed at some of the paralells in "feeling" or "ambience" that the biographer found which corresponded with some of Card's books (which while fantasy, carry some of that same "ambience"). I like good SF and Fantasy, my 15 year old daughter now reads all of my old Heinlein stuff. She is more the artist type.
TitusTodd wrote: Did Kathryn get you to do that (for Meridian)? If so, thank her for me (she hasn't stopped by Nauvoo lately like she said she would occasionally). I'm glad you have shared your wonderful talent with a greater audience. Your writing is so captivating!
Yes she did, she encouraged me a great deal and I think bit her tongue more than once when she could have been much more critical. She is a good friend with a great heart.
The occurrance itself was one of those seminal moments in my life that I often reflect back on. I couldn't really understand why fully, until I wrote it down.
You cannot imagine how happy I was to see you here! I have missed you from Nauvoo for a looonnng time. I hope all is well with you, and look forward to "seeing" you around.
"We can do no great things, only small things with great love."
Jeffery_LQ1W wrote: The occurrance itself was one of those seminal moments in my life that I often reflect back on. I couldn't really understand why fully, until I wrote it down.
Okay, jury is in... I definitely think you will be an asset to our new forum! You show grace, you have a natural talent for pulling in a reader, and you use words that make me think... hmmm... 'I need to go look that up and get the actual definition so I can better understand the context of what is being said!'
It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."
On writing, Faulkner remarked, "Let the writer take up surgery or bricklaying if he is interested in technique. There is no mechanical way to get the writing done, no shortcut. The young writer would be a fool to follow a theory. Teach yourself by your own mistakes; people learn only by error. The good artist believes that nobody is good enough to give him advice. He has supreme vanity. No matter how much he admires the old writer, he wants to beat him," in an interview with The Paris Review in 1956.
Of course, he could get away with saying something as pompous (and partially true) as that since he was well established as a Nobel Prize winner by then...
It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."
There are lots of writers better than everyone. Consistent practice and attempting to articulate ideas are what really make us better writers. I bet you have some interesting stuff too.
I was in Nauvoo for a few years and made some wonderful friends there, including Kathleen, ye olde janitor, for whom I have great respect and love. She is very encouraging and comes to visit whenever she is in town, I try to do the same when I head out back east.
Anyway, I enjoy discussing a number of different things and I truly enjoy writing, and thinking things through. Frankly, I miss the challenge sometimes of testing my ideas (gospel and otherwise) against the view points of others.
I did post a mission experience on Meridian and it is there you can see a picture of me and my family.
Presently I am at a loss for words, but I suppose it is enough for now.
Oh my gosh Jeff. I read that story on Meridian way back. That was you! I was really touched by that story. Thanks for sharing it. If you haven't read Jeff's story, I highly recommend it.