Just joined yesterday but have posted with Catherder on other forums. Been reading some of the topics and have been impressed with everyone's posts. Seems like a nice forum with rational folks for the most part. I look forward to getting to know everyone. Be sure to check out my biography for more info.
Everyone, please be on your best behavior now. We have the privilege of having an august member of the board of S.P.A.M. (Society for the Prevention of Animal Mutants) in our midst now.
It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."
Everyone, please be on your best behavior now. We have the privilege of having an august member of the board of S.P.A.M. (Society for the Prevention of Animal Mutants) in our midst now.
Fortunately, eradication efforts have greatly reduced the population. Most of the infected species seem to be suffering from lead poisoning, a side effect of their mutant ways.