Do you find it to be a coincidence that gas prices are falling sharply just before the November election? Do you think Big Oil has something to lose if Congress is to be taken over by the Democrats? So to bolster Bush's sagging approval ratings, Big Oil has lowered gas prices until November and then will spike them back up just like they did back in 2004?
Well, that is a possibility. But, probably a little too convenient of timing though, in my opinion. There are a couple other factors that can't be overlooked, including the actual pressure of inquirey being applied by government on big oil, the oil pipeline problems in Alaska not ending up being worst case scenario, recent announcement of the large deep water oil field in the gulf, and oil dropping downt o $68 / barrel.
I think more that it is just a lull in the price gouging to make us feel all warm and fuzzy before the prices go back up 50 - 75 cents / gallon permantly. Kind of the way they did a couple years ago when the gas prices first shot up from the $1.50 area to break that threshhold of $2.00 / gallon. At least around here, during July, gas prices peaked at nearly $3.20 a gallon in some locations. The oil companies were looking to see how we as the captive consumer base would react to that high of prices. Had absolutely nothing to do with actual supply in my opinion. And people did not react to it well. Who wants to be paying $50 just to fill up a relatively fuel efficient vehicle like a Toyota Camry, let alone the far less efficient vehicles like mini vans and them big old SUV's and pickups where it is going to cost more per tank AND have to be refilled more often? No the price impact is more than just paying more incrementally. For some people, every dime / gallon increase ends up being an exponential increase in expense to them... for a commodity no less. Yesterday, I noticed the price just down the street at the overpriced BP station was $2.40 / gallon, which is the lowest I recall seeing it since early this year.
I say that if we as the voting public really want our elected officials to talk the talk and walk the walk concerning control of our energy supplies, we make them do what is necessary to open up and develop our domestic crude capacity ASAP, build some more refining capacity, and in parallel start building doable affordable alternative energy vehicles and infrastructure to support them, like hydrogen. I think hydrogen technology is the answer to breaking our dependency on OPEC crude and the crap that goes with it.
It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."
Oh... I never thought of that... that it would/could be a Democrat ploy... I thought Mattai was referring to a Republican ploy... I forgot that Michigan is classified a Blue state courtesy of the overwhelming numbers of Democrat voters in the Detroit area. Michigan essentially has three areas that are blue (Detroit, Pontiac, and Flint) and the rest of the state is pretty much red.
And, come to think of it our Democrat Governor and one of our two Democrat Senators are up for re-election and their Republican opponents are making some decent inroads. I personally would love to see both of these incumbents sent packing (as well as the other Senator who isn't up for re-election yet).
Of course, we do have a sizeable refinery on the south side of Detroit too, so ease of distribution may have some influence in prices here.
It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."
No, I think it could be a Republican ploy. RNC asks Big Oil to ease back prices until after the election to help Reps maintain hold of Congress. But in strong red states like Utah, that isn't necessary, because the idiot conservatives in Utah will support Reps no matter what.
Do you really think the RNC or DNC have that sort of power? That is more power and influence than even elected officials have...
That is tantamount to the following tongue-in-check scenario:
ring-ring "Hello. This is Mr. Big Oil Company CEO. I'm not in the office right now, but leave your name number and a brief message and I'll get back to you as soon as I'm finished dining on cavier and pea**** eggs on my private yacht in the carribean."
(Bill Clinton) "Hi Mr. Big, this is yer old pal, Bubba. Hey, Slick, just thought I'd give you a heads up that the people are feeling some pain from the price of gas. Could ya lower the price a bit so my friends can stay in office in these states? Catch ya later dude!"
(George H.W. Bush) "Well, hello Big. You probably need to lower that oil price and the price of gasoline for the cars. Prices high, not good. Not gonna tell you what to do, wouldn't be prudent. But you may want to think about it."
(John Kerry) "Hi! I'm John Kerry, and I was for the higher prices of gasoline for running the cars and lawn mowers of the hard working Americans, like this guy I just met on the street completely by chance, but then I saw that this was not good, that the American people had been misled and we need gas prices lowered now, and we want a timeline as to when you'll be pulling this off."
(Al Gore) "I invented lower oil prices, and the high prices of gasoline are destroying the environment... my speech writers have me saying anything to get another soundbyte. Oh, did you know I invented the soundbyte too?"
(Ken Mehlman) "Mr. CEO! Looks like I just missed you. Ken Mehlman of the RNC here. Was looking at the poll data with the staff and strategists, and seems you need to lower the price of gasoline in a few areas so we can make sure to get our Republican candidates elected and re-elected. I'll fax a list of the specific counties and states this afternoon. I'd say, drop it at least $.70 / gallon until a week or so after the election. $.85 or more would be better, but that is your call. We can always work with our friends to create a disaster after the election."
(Pres. George W. Bush) "Hey per the conversation we had at the last barbecue at my ranch you was at, we need to do some extrapolitation of the pricing on gasoline. Can you avoid staying the course of raising prices for a bit? If you don't, well, Dick may just invite you on a huntin' trip, and you know how he gets when he's ornery... hyuk hyuk..."
Um... don't gas prices normally come down after summer? 2.89 (which is the price here) really doesn't feel like much of an incentive to change the way I vote. Then again, the governor (a democrat who stole the last election...) of the state of Washington did push through a big gas tax last year, yes, in the middle of the highest gas prices in history... so hey, if you like expensive gas, keep voting them in...
It's amazing the power Guilt has to persuade voters.
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)
Is this a sign that the gloves are coming off now?
-- Edited by Randy at 09:01, 2006-09-11
No no, that was what I figure big politicos think of the voters in Utah. I don't think they are idiots. Heck, I am one (A voter in Utah, not an idiot). :)
"Look back on our struggle for freedom, trace our present day's strength to its source, and you'll find that man's pathway to glory is strewn with the bones of a horse."
- Anonymous