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Post Info TOPIC: George Bush - all opinions welcome

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George Bush - all opinions welcome

All opinions are welcome here, but let's try to center the focus on the President rather than get diverted onto something like detailed Iraq war tactics.


*inserts my opinion of Bush*

The more I study politics, the more I find that a half-way decent politician is incredibly rare, and the decent politicians are becoming less and less popular.  Where are the Lincolns and Jeffersons these days?

For now I'm going to ignore Bush's lack of diplomacy, lack of care for the poor (Alma 34:28), cronyism, his complete ignorance to the health-care crisis, religious campaigning (phariseeism), incompetence, and more cronyism ... and realize that the average politician is vile.  When I compare Bush to Gore, or Bush to Kerry, I cringe every time and wonder where our hope lies.

Instead all these pale in comparison to what I discovered in Bush's 1999 autobiography:

... and researching this Skull & Bones secret society doesn't help my opinion of Bush.  I heard this accusation before and labelled those people in my mind as conspiracy nuts who lack proof.  Now I am forced to ponder Ether chapter 8 and wonder the awfulness of our situation.

PS- Kerry is also a member of Skull & Bones, so "ye need not suppose ye (Dems) are more righteous than they (Reps)."

Ye hear of wars in far countries, and you say that there will soon be great wars in far countries, but ye know not the hearts of men in your own land. - D&C 38:29

Hot Air Balloon

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I think of bush as the CEO of the largest corporation in the world. Everyone knows better than the CEO. Our conversations around the watercooler prove that. He's made plenty of mistakes, but I think ultimately people don't want to be led by a human being. They need something more perfected...

Like their some master AI computer thingy...


I'm not slow; I'm special.
(Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)

Understander of unimportant things

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I don't put a lot of stock into conspiracy theories based on things like this skull and bones secret society thing, personally.

"By their fruits shall ye know them." I don't think this organization is as insidious as hollywood and conspiracy theorists like to portray it. Of course, I know nothing more about it than the average person. But I don't think it is fair to portray individuals who may be part of the group from their time at an elite Ivy League school to the likes of mafia godfathers or drug cartel heads or some sort of x-files shadow government men-in-black thing just because they don't talk about what it the organization is.

What if someone were to say they were a member of an organization like Sons of Confederate Veterans (okay, maybe it would be viewed as non-pc because of the potential to equate those who wish to maintain a historical perspective of that side of the US Civil War with racism and racist groups) or that they revealed they were a Mason or heaven forbid, an endowed member of the LDS church?

For what it is worth, I feel George W. Bush is for the most part an honorable and righteous leader. I can't say that about his predecessor, though, from the day I first saw him in debate with George H. Bush and H. Ross Perot.

It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."

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I like Bush more than I don't like him, but will readily admit that he's fallen short many times. 

I really liked his leadership directly after 9-11.  I was comforted by his words and resolve and I was so glad he was the president. 

I think he really messed up with the whole Katrina thing, though I'm sick to death of rehashing that one this week. 

I think the border issue is something he's blatantly ignoring.  He's throwing a few token troops down there, but he's not giving that problem the attention it needs. 

I think he's done a pretty good job on the war on terror.  I do like the way he doesn't mince words about evil and what our stance as a country is.

I cringe whenever he speaks unscripted.  Has there ever been a less articulate leader in this country? 


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Cat Herder,

I agree - by their fruits ye shall know them.  I also agree that Bush is not as bad as conspiracy theorists portray him, but I would venture to say he comes close.

  • Eleven of his cabinet members are Skull & Bones.  Seems more than just a frat party.

  • A large chunk of his advisors are devout followers of Leo Strauss, including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libby, and Wolfowitz.

  • Member of the Bohemian Grove

  • Patriot Act (both 1 & 2) and NSA clear violations of Constitution

  • His programs and spending (bigger government, lack of budget discipline) move America closer to fiscal Socialism

Ye hear of wars in far countries, and you say that there will soon be great wars in far countries, but ye know not the hearts of men in your own land. - D&C 38:29

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I agree that Bush's domestic spending priorities are indistinguishable from what could have been expected of John Kerry. It bothers me greatly, but if all he accomplished during his two terms was the aggressive action against fundamentalist Islam, and good Supreme Court nominations, it will have been worth the price.

America is becoming noticably more socialist. The best way to reverse that, is to focus on the educational system. The liberals have understood this since the 1960's, and their efforts are now bearing fruit.

The concern about Skull and Bones is inflated in my opinion. Term limits would render a fraternity cabal, world take-over, very awkward to establish. I am open to a theory based on evidence however.  


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I think George Bush is a man who is trying to do his best, I may not agree with everything he does, but I sure don't believe an any of these theories where he is some sort of evil mastermind.

I think, therefore I exist. - Rene' Descartes

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<quote>His programs and spending (bigger government, lack of budget discipline) move America closer to fiscal Socialism</quote>

I can't speak to anything but the last item you mention.  I would not say it is all just "his" programs and spending... typically the fiscal policies of the executive branch reflect the sentiments of the people (ironic isn't it, since we think it is the legislative that would fit that bill better).  How much do we as individuals and as a people look to the government to fix everything?  'I'm entitled to this as an American!'

Every Chief Executive we've had at least since I've been alive is guilty of the same accusation then.  Some more than others.


It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."

Head Chef

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You make a very good point, Cat. If the people were against runaway government spending, they would do something about it. Actually, many of them are against it when someone else's congressional district gets the money. But when their congressman brings home the bacon, they see no problem with it. In my district, Marilyn Musgrave likes to brag about being able to get more money spent in Colorado. That's exactly what I don't want; I want less money spent everywhere.

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!
- Samuel Adams

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What constituency was it that wanted the prescription drug entitlement? Many of the elderly had insurance plans which were superior to this they have no choice. Other examples are numerous. 

Bush has not vetoed a single spending bill that I am aware of. I do not think those that put him in office expected to see a record like that after six years.

Don't get me wrong, I think he is an honorable man, but the writing was on the wall when he declared himself a "compassionate conservative". I agree with you Cat that the people are ultimately responsible. We get the government we deserve. That is why reformation of the educational system is so critical. 



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You have a very good point Cat Herder, it seems the blame of this move toward Socialism is partly on the heads of the people wanting "entitlement" programs.  Entitlement = the attitude where you feel you deserve something you haven't worked for.  lol.  The attitude is inherently Communistic.  It's rampant in America ranging from Katrina victims (how much tax dollars per New Orleans citizen are we paying?), to Seniors demanding "meds" (at the expense of the grandchildren), to the bureaucratic welfare system (forced charity is NOT charity) that only favors the lazy.  This is why I dislike Bush's Senior citizen benefits package.

And the public school system is VERY evil.

The tenth plank in Karl Marx’s Manifesto ...advocated the establishment of “free education for all children in public schools.” There were several reasons why Marx wanted government to run the schools. Dr. A. A. Hodge pointed out one of them...“if every party in the State has the right of excluding from public schools whatever he does not believe to be true, then he that believes most must give way to him...that believes absolutely nothing, no matter in how small a minority the atheists...may be.” It is self‑evident that ...if...persistently carried out...[our] system of national popular education will be the most efficient...instrument for the propagation of atheism which the world has ever seen. (Ezra Taft Benson, General Conference, October 1970)

Consider this: before 1908, America was fiscally prosperous, and there was no income tax (the income tax is unconstitutional).  Now we're paying 28% and our nation keeps getting into more debt.

*climbs back down from soap box*

-- Edited by lineuponline at 18:12, 2006-08-30

Ye hear of wars in far countries, and you say that there will soon be great wars in far countries, but ye know not the hearts of men in your own land. - D&C 38:29

Profuse Pontificator

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President Bush has:
1.) Dragged his feet on initiating action to stop the flow of illegals coming in from Mexico and demonstrates no serions intention of stopping it. And continues pushing for amnesty for illegals already in the country.
2.) Participated in discusions with President Fox of Mexco and Prime Minister Martiin of Canada about the Security and Prosperity Partnership and the North Amercan Union, (do a search of these 2 topics) which will detract heavily from US national soveriegnty by creating a single political, economic and military unit out the 3 North American nations, much like the E.U.
3.) Promoted increases in unconstitutional welfare and foreign aid.
4.) Initiated war in Afghanistan and Iraq without proper approval of Congress as required by the US Constitution.
5.) Stated that in attacking Iraq he was following a U.N. mandate, which is a violation of US national sovereignty. Under the constitution we have no business taking any direction from the U.N.
6.) Pushed to prevent a thorough investigation of 911
7.) Pushed the disasterous "No Child Left Behind" program which I and many other public school teachers consider very harmful to normal seudents and achievers, and which violates the Constitution by involving the FedGov in public education.
8.) Prevented proposed investigations into the Clinton pardons of certain convicted criminals suspected to be "frieds of Bill" in the waning hours of his adminsitration.

Before telling me what a @#&% I am, please read D&C 98: 5-6, Ezra Taft Benson's "The Proper Role of Government" accessable by search, and the U.S. Constitution. For more on the subject, read "An Enemy Hath Done This" by Ezra Tafy Benson and/or most any books by H. Verlan Andersen.


Head Chef

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For more information on the SPP, you can go to
Notice that that is a government web site; the SPP really does exist.

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!
- Samuel Adams

Hot Air Balloon

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Hey Lundbaek, Your arguments are nutz! ;)

But I'm glad to have you on the board.


I'm not slow; I'm special.
(Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)

Senior Bucketkeeper

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It's easy to be a critic.  And frankly, we have too much armchair criticism and too little civic engagement.

For those of you with your laundry lists of what you see as President Bush's faults, I have a question:  When was the last time you did anything to improve those issues you seem to be so passionate about?

I'll place the military issues aside for a moment, and address this statement:  And the public school system is VERY evil.  An easy and undeserving target.  Care to define evil?  Care to provide any reasoning behind that assertion?  Care to share with us when was the last time you volunteered in a classroom or did anything to improve the school in your neighborhood?


-- Edited by Roper at 23:44, 2006-09-02


The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life. - Julie Beck

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I would be pleased to have my children in your classroom assuming, of course, parents were given the option of imposing their choice for instructors.

One of my daughters teaches Junior High math, so I have some idea of the problems parents themselves bring to the educational process. After 40 years of a liberal educational aggenda, the issue is now an entrenched cultural problem. I live in California. Our schools have a mandate, as of last week, to include transgender, and homosexual achievements in the curriculum where possible. This is not optional. If McGraw Hill, or Miffiln, want to sell books to the State, they must write advocacy texts for sexual perversion. This is evil. 

We live in a conservative county, and the school board is infused with members promoting the identical nut causes, and values. This happens because liberals seem to have an excess of time to devote to the indoctrination of other peoples children. Law, Journalism, and Politics are over represented by leftists for the same reason. Their cause has all the trappings of a proselyting religion minus God, for whom they substitute Man (themselves of course).

I want to improve the educational system in our area by defunding it. When education itself is exposed to market forces, we will be on the way to repair.



Profuse Pontificator

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Since I recently posted here a laundry list of what I see as President Bush's actions and failures to act, which include violations of the US Constitution and treason, I'll tell you what I have done to improve the situation.  I have acquainted myself with the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and other writings that help one understand the original intent of the Constitution.  I have read and studied the writings and speeches of David O. McKay, J. Ruben Clark, Ezra Taft Benson, H. Verlan Andersen, W. Cleon Skousen, and assorted others whose judgement of matters of government and of "secret combinations" whom I trust.  I have participated in Constitution seminars and Constitution Celebration Week activities.  I have for some years supported with money and time on the street the very few candidates who support the principles expressed in the Declaration of Independence and codified in the US Constitution.  I have actively participated in John Birch Society activities until starting our mission 3 days ago.  I am regestering to vote in Utah, where we are serving our present mission   I frequently contact my congressmen to advise them of how I think they are doing, where I think they are doing damage to our nation and why, and what I think they should do differently.  I prepared to run for Congress in 2004 until west nile virus sidelined me.  And I share my opinions with many others, often whether they like them or not.  My biggest agenda now is to make as many LDSs as possible aware of our obligation to study and support the US Constitution, and look for and support candidates for elected offices who will do likewise.  I believe the above mentioned constitutional principles will one day have to be restored, and from what I read on this forum we got a long way to go to prepare for that. 


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Our schools have a mandate, as of last week, to include transgender, and homosexual achievements in the curriculum where possible. This is not optional.

Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly ARE homosexual and transgender achievements??


Homosexual achievement: I finally got a great look at that hot guy's bod in the male locker room!

I shared my first lesbian french kiss!

Transgender achievement: I gathered up the courage to buy that gorgeous slinky dress and wear it to school, despite the jabs from the other football players!

And possibly: I've saved over $500 toward my sex change operation!


Yeesh!! What do homosexuals and transgenders do that is different from other students, in a school environment, that must be recognized as specifically homosexual and/or transgender?

"And the winner of the homosexual spelling bee is..."


"Look back on our struggle for freedom, trace our present day's strength to its source, and you'll find that man's pathway to glory is strewn with the bones of a horse." - Anonymous

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The idea behind the legislation is to make gender clarity anathema among student populations by spotlighting historical personalities who have sexual identification issues.

Oscar Wilde, or Hans Christian Anderson would be touted as deviant first, and an accomplished writers second. Alexander the Great might now find prominence in class even though he is a white male oppressor, because he also happened to have an affinity for sodomy.

Obviously, a student who is paying any kind of attention to a lecture is going to be at least as focused on the prurient aspects of a given individuals life, than an actual accomplishment. 



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Ah! So my post above was actually one step ahead of the school system. It is only one step from recognizing historical achievements by sexual category to recognizing current academic and athletic achievements by sexual category. rolleyes

"Look back on our struggle for freedom, trace our present day's strength to its source, and you'll find that man's pathway to glory is strewn with the bones of a horse." - Anonymous
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