"BOSTON Mitt Romney is endorsing former rival John McCain as the 2008 Republican presidential nominee faces a fight to keep his Senate seat. "Romney said in a statement Tuesday that the Arizona senator's "record of service and sacrifice for America is honored by all." "The former Massachusetts governor adds that it's "hard to imagine the U.S. Senate without John McCain." "McCain is facing a Republican primary challenge from former House member J.D. Hayworth. "McCain and Romney clashed bitterly at time in the 2008 race for the GOP nomination. After McCain pulled ahead, Romney not only endorsed him but energetically campaigned for him. "McCain's former running mate, Sarah Palin, is also backing him. She and Romney are potential rivals in the 2012 presidential race."
McCain's "record of service and sacrifice for America" is not honored by all. Like Obama, his history and record is well protected from public scrutiny. There is a substantial efort here in Arizona by many conservatives and all constitutionalists to replace McCain with J.D. Hayworth. This is mostly but not entirely because of his repeated demonstrations of scorn for constitutional principles. So it is a disappointment to many of us conservatives and all of us constitutionalists that Mitt Romney would support McCain. I guess one has to live in Arizona and pay attention to the political scene to understand the concern.
I would argue with the assertion that everyone honors his war record.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
Former Governor Mitt Romney this morning endorsed his former political rival -- US Senator John McCain as the Arizona Republican tries to fend off a primary challenge and win a fifth term. Romney and McCain vied for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, exchanging several bitter barbs in debates. McCain is facing a primary challenge from former US Representative J.D. Hayworth, who says McCain has betrayed conservative values. For years, I've been an admirer of John McCain, Romney said in a statement this morning. Then we became competitors. Today, I'm proud to call him my friend. *******************************************************************
CNN) - Mitt Romney endorsed Sen. John McCain, one of the former Massachussetts governor's main competitors for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, for re-election to the U.S. Senate on Tuesday.
"Senator McCain's record of service and sacrifice for America is honored by all," Romney said in a statement. "But I believe that it is his core values of courage, faith and honor forged in battle and confirmed by a lifetime of service to America that make Senator McCain's leadership in the United States Senate so necessary in these perilous times."
Romney said it is "hard to imagine the United States Senate without John McCain."
I would be overjoyed to imagine the Senate without John McCain. He's one of the worst enemies of freedom that wear the Republican name tag.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
We also have lived in Mesa, AZ since 1987. Tempting though it is, I'll not list the various allegations about McCain's conduct and activities just since his entering the political arena here in Arizona without having hard evidence. John McCain presents a good example, to me at least, of how one, with help of a complicit media can, make a hero out of a degenerate person.
What bothers me more, however, probably because I am LDS, is that Mitt Romney would support McCain, both in 2008 and now in 2010. I've said more than enough about Romney on this forum in past. I hate to see so many LDS voters here expressing their support of McCain. I'd bet most of that support is because of Romney's endorsement. If they would just take a close look at both of them.....
Can anyone else explain Romney's endorsement of McCain. I expected so much different from him over the last 8 years I've been watching him.
I suspect Mitt Romney views McCain as far greater potential supporter of his 2012 presidential aspirations than JD Hayworth. Among my associates in the political arena, wihch includes many LDS members of the John Birch Society, the East Valley Tea Party Patriots, and the Constitution Party, McCain is held in considerable contempt for multiple reasons. The significance of Romney's support of McCain is just starting to slowly sink in among Romney fans. But many LDSs still believe that McCain must be good if Romney supports him.
As inappropriate as it might be, and often I am very inappropriate, but just to offer up my 2 cents worth. Together Mitt and McCain are as useful as a pair of tits on a Wart Hog.
The "nut" portion refers to me in general. The DMG is the Drunk Machine Gunners... as in the Drunk Machine Gunners Club. DMGNUT is actually my lic plate #, as at one time (back before I was a member of the church) all of the DMGers had lic plates made for their cars with DMGFAN, DMGFUN, DMGSTAR, etc, etc. If you happen across a vehicle with AZ plates that starts with DMG... its probably one of us.
I don't think Mitt Romney has actually shown his face here in Arizona in support of Senator McCain. I am specualting that there is so much opposition to McCain now that Romney may feel it would hurt his chances for the presidency in 2012 if he came here stumping for McCain. I don't know if more Republican voters are becoming angry with McCain, or if those who have distrusted him all along are becoming more vocal. But in my circles I am hearing and feeling the opposition.
How can the "Elders of Israel" step forward and hold up the Constitution when most members do not understand the principles of the Constitution as originally established, are themselves not abiding by or supporting its principles, cannot recognize when some laws and programs are constitutionally unsound, and do not know what past Prophets have said about the Constitution and the threats to it, are too busy to become involved in civic affairs, and not getting accurately informed about what is going on? Who is gonna lead the charge toward restoring constitutional principles in government when many bishops and stake presidents prevent the discussion of these topics in church?
I suggested the following note be printed soon in our ward bulletin: "In the coming months those U.S. citizens who are registered to vote will again have opportunity to express their preferences at the ballot box. Latter-day Saints who are citizens of this country have a divinely mandated responsibility relating to the making of laws and the administration of them. (D&C 134:1) It includes understanding the guidelines which the Lord has given us for making and administering laws and government. (D&C 101:77&80) And it includes befriending that law which is the constitutional law of the land. (D&C 98:4-7) The best time to undertake to honour these responsibilities is well in advance of the next elections in August and November of this year, when we will have to make decisions based on these responsibilities." So far no response.
So far, the most prominent and effective promoters of restoration of constitutional principles in government that I know of are not LDS.
-- Edited by lundbaek on Sunday 21st of March 2010 10:57:34 PM
At the moment I find myself hoping or wishing for the "cleansing", which I don't consider a righreous desire, but rather one conceived in frustration and anger. That's mostly because last evening I went from a presentation by J.D. Hayworth, the Nr. 1 challenger to AZ Senator McCain to a meeting including some of the pillars in our ward. I had made a list of what I thought were significant statements by the challenger, J.D. Hayworth and offered to read them to the group. They wern't interested. Seems they couldn't car less. There were even a couple of expressions of support for McCain because Romney has endorsed him again.
That has to be frustrating. Which is the major reason that I don't try much in our area.
There's a young man who is working with Tea Partiers and going to caucuses, getting others involved. Tried to tell him about voting for honest and wise. He's sure that you have to vote for "the one who has a chance."
And yet you can't find the "vote for someone you can win" anywhere in modern prophetic advice. You're right, Mirk, that's how we got where we are.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams