Not only did I kill the thread, I killed the entire forum. Obviously only far right wing opinions are wanted here, so I'll back out and let you all talk to each other about the state of the nation according to World Net Daily without offering any corrections or posts that lead to any semblance of sanity.
Just let it be known that not every member of the Church is a gun-toting-ditto-head.
"We now return control of your forum to you, until next life, when the Control Voice will take you to... The Outer Limits."
-- Edited by Wonder Boy on Wednesday 23rd of September 2009 07:30:05 PM
"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter." -Winston Churchill
How typical. You've got to love generalized, personal, parting shots...
Generalized? I don't think so:
Fregramis: 2-18-08. Thread "I'm done..."
World Net Daily is now off my news favorites. Check this morning's top story and you'll see why (2/18/2008). I've had enough of the-end-of-Israel-is-imminent-stories and the sensational crap. This is coming from a home-schooling, conservative-leaning pissed off Republican.
Fregramis 10-21-08. Thread: "From November 4 to January 21:
Assuming Obama wins the Presidency ( a very high probability at this point) what do you plan on doing differently? Buying a gun, or a better gun? Skipping Christmas and stocking food and gasoline? Go to Disneyland?
I do do my homework...
Personal? Can something be both "Generalized" and "Personal?" Typical.
Parting shot? At least it got someone to respond. And it didn't take 6 days.
"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter." -Winston Churchill