I have been thinking about the times I have thought "If ... happens I would support succession or revolution". So I decided to make a list of the unacceptable things that would push me over the edge.
If the federal government
Mandated Same Sex Marriage across the Country
Abolished the electoral college
Forbade religious people for running for office or voting.
or if the country as a whole adopted a constitutional amendment annulling any of the amendments in the Bill of Rights.But then I realized that the federal government has already
Ignored most of the Bill of Rights
Taken over the banking system
Effectively taken over or soon to take over any Industry associated with unions.
Taken out a debt for things of little or no use that is now more than $35,000 / person in the country.
and this isn't at all comprehensive.
I am a patriotic American, but at what point will America no longer be America?
There is quite a difference between succession and revolution. But a few states seem to be exercising the 10th Amendment Re. rights reserved to the states under the US Constitution.
Several weeks ago, Oklahoma passed a law declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign state, not under the Federal Government directives. Texas had already done the same earlier. More states may follow: Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, both Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia, just to name a few.
The federal Government is working on bold steps to take away our guns. Oklahoma recently passed a law confirming people in this state have the right to bear arms and transport them in their vehicles.
Oklahoma also recently passed a law, 37 to 9, actually I think an amendment, to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the state capitol. The feds in D.C., along with the ACLU, said it would be a mistake. But Oklahoma did it anyway.
In Vermont and Texas groups have been formed to push for their state to succeed from the Union.
Montana has defied the federal government and their gun laws in a way which could prompt a showdown between the federal government and the State of Montana.
In Arizona, the efforts of the Sheriff of Maricopa County to apprehend illegal immigrants is being challenged by the FedGov. So far he is standing his ground.
I don't think the FedGov will tolerate much of this. This country is being pushed into a dictatorship, full speed ahead and damn the Constitution. The goal of uniting Canada, the USA, and Mexico into a North American Union seems to going forward, although quite furtively. Succession and revolution do not fit with their evil plans.