On a prepper board that I belong to, people are discussing how to prep now that disaster seems to loom over us. How grateful I am that I heeded counsel and have worked at gathering supplies through the years.
Yes, it has been a nuisance to haul it around when I've moved. Yes, it takes up space. Yes, I could have done some huge fun things with the money and effort I spent on storage.
Here we are now and prices are rising and some things begin to be unavailable. People on the prep board are reporting occasional empty spaces on grocery shelves and a general slowdown of shipping. Due to economic changes, I don't have the money now that I had in the past. Now would be a miserable time to start storing up for whatever is ahead. Not that people shouldn't start if they haven't already, but that I'm grateful that I did when it was easier to do. Following counsel always blesses us.
Yup, it seems to be a big sacrifice at the time to follow the prophets' counsel. But when the time comes that you need it, you'll be glad to have it. I have an old car, old microwave, and not much of what people consider to be wealth. But I have some food storage, so in that way I am wealthy.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams