Based on current events and recent conference talks, when do you think the second coming will happen?
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
You'd better define exactly what you mean by Second Coming. It gets defined in so many ways. I take it to mean the return on the Mount of Olives and based my opinion on that.
Seems to me that we are on the cusp of Major, Major Changes that will help prepare us for the Second Coming, but that the actual Coming in Glory can't happen for a while until people both in the church and out have different opportunities than we have now.
For example, within your ward how many faithful folk do you know who are more focused on finances than on faith? Perhaps some of our distractions need to be removed so that we are more ready for the Millenium.
Also, President Monson asked that we pray that areas of the world now closed to the church be opened. That is a different request than President Kimball asked 32 years earlier -- that we pray that the Lord soften the hearts of leaders of the countries of the world. Areas instead of countries -- hmmm.
I think it would, coco. It allows much easier regulation of the financial systems, and buying and selling. I don't know if this is the end, but I think that this could easily be the run up to it. Many dictators have gotten into power through economic hardships. Given Obamalamadingdong's predilection to socialism and control and racist leanings, it is certainly plausible.
What I find very troubling is his desire to create a Civilian Security Force, armed like the military. This creates his very own Brownshirts, most likely staffed with people from the hood, loyal to him, and is a way of obviating Posse Commitatus.
Lo, there I see my mother, my sisters, my brothers Lo, there I see the line of my people back to the beginning Lo, they call to me, they bid me take my place among them In the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live...forever
Sorry to be late, Coco - busy week getting the garden harvested and the tender plants moved inside.
This is pure specualtion on my part, but I think of the government just before Christ's first coming to the Nephites -- there wasn't one! Corrupt governments had broken down and people were organized into tribes. Some of the governments on this planet are the reason that we can't preach the gospel in those countries.
Obviously, I don't know how it will work; I just know that it will. I remember a published interview with a rabbi just after the 1967 war when the Jews finally had access to the Temple Mount again. The reporter asked him if they were supposed to build a temple now -- yes, they were. Then he asked if it was supposed to be built where the Dome of the Rock is -- yes, it is. Next question -- are you going to tear down the Dome -- no, definitely not. Then he asked how are you going to build the temple then? Answer -- that's God's problem.
That's sort of how I see our current situation. We are not ready as a people to move from this corrupt society into building a Millenial society. How the Lord is going to protect us and to bring about that paradisiacal Zion, I don't know. He said that He is going to, and I trust that He can and He will.
I happen to believe there will still be nations when Christ returns so that he can make an "end of all nations". I think Adam Ondi Ahman will formally do that, and the Savior's appearance at the Mount of Olives will publicly do that
As far as one world governments go, I'm not sure how or who or when. But it started a long time ago. The Tower of Babel project was the first time as recorded in Genesis.
Just another caveat....
When Christ returns it will be a day of vengence on the ungodly and the proud. We don't often imagine an aggressive Savior; we tend to emulate and speak of the humble and loving Christ. But it will take some severity to sweep the filth from the earth. The Book of Mormon does give an analogue in 3 Nephi 8. Part of me would like Him to come now and clean house, so to speak, and the other part of me is like "Wait, am I ready for that? Is there anything else I must improve?".
Maybe some sort of stronger "globalism" has to come in order for the 666-buy/sell deal to come to pass. That might be a real test. LDSs who are not prepared to give their all will filter themselves out, leaving the Millenial-types...?
Life is tough but it's tougher if you're stupid. -John Wayne