Nebraska's law doesn't have a maximum age attached and people are dropping off teenagers. (Ok, for a half a second that's funny. Then it's really, really sad.) One parent even crossed state lines into Nebraska to drop off a teenager. Needless to say, the state is scrambling to revisit the terms of this law. And I see their point. Unless they want to be the official teenager dumping grounds for the whole US, they're gonna need to define that law more narrowly.
So, from what I can tell 17 kids have been dropped off since this law went into effect in July. Most are teens and I didn't see any mention of any children under age one being dropped off.
I so don't get this. It brings to mind the idea of the love of men waxing cold. In fact, I'm gonna quote that versus from the JST of Matthew:
30 And again, because iniquity shall abound, the love of men shall wax acold; but he that shall not be overcome, the same shall be saved.
It just seems that for even really troublesome teens (and there's no mention of the teens who were given up as being troublesome or not,) that there are a heck of a lot of options that should be exercised before simply dropping them off and not looking back.
Back to that JST verse... It's from what Jesus said about signs of his second coming and the end of the world. I'm not dooming or glooming here, atleast in part because signs have been happening for years, I'm just a little bit more "on notice" after thinking about this.
"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton
This sort of thing is really very sad. Especially since that teenager is your responsibility! You are the one that God chose to take care of one of his precious spirits. And yes, some of them are much harder to take care of than others. But none of us are so bad that we should be given up on. We don't want God to give up on us.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
You know, this idea of children not having anywhere to go has been a 'dream theme' of mine ... like these last days type dreams ... there'll be these kids just wandering around ... maybe their parents have died or are sick or they just took off ... anyhow, that's very sad.
Life is tough but it's tougher if you're stupid. -John Wayne
I agree with you, hic, and actually I see a lot of things happening now that can be placed with that scripture. People say that things aren't getting worse, it's just that we see more on the news and internet, but I disagree. Things are getting worse, and will until this world is ended.
"There is order in the way the Lord reveals His will to mankind. . .we cannot receive revelation for someone else's stewardship." L. Tom Perry
This was on the local news tonight here in Omaha, NE. It appears that the parent who is from Michigan has had problems before. They are planning to return the child to Michigan where I think the child will be placed with Child Protective Services. At present, I believe the child is placed with child protective servies here. I wish there were more resources to help the stressed parents and give them a break. I have a relative whose son has severe attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity. He can be violent. They have called the police at times for help. However, the police have warned that if they continue to call on them that the child could be placed in Foster Care. I have not heard any incidents of late so hopefully he is doing okay. I think some of his worst times relate to times of extra stress at school when he was bullied.