Lo, there I see my mother, my sisters, my brothers Lo, there I see the line of my people back to the beginning Lo, they call to me, they bid me take my place among them In the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live...forever
Well, then I guess you can just change the hymn lyrics then, bok.
"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton
I love this tune. I made the stupid mistake once when I heard that tune at a friend's house. I couldn't place it and when I did I blurted it out. So, then my non-member friend asked me what Kolob was. Try explaining that one....
It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.
LMM, I hadn't thought of the tune being The Star of the County Down. Neck does a Celtic punk version of the song, sample from amazon http://www.amazon.com/gp/recsradio/radio/B0001ENXWC/ref=pd_krex_dp_001_011?ie=UTF8&track=011&disc=001
Lo, there I see my mother, my sisters, my brothers Lo, there I see the line of my people back to the beginning Lo, they call to me, they bid me take my place among them In the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live...forever