I finished reading the book Believing Christ The parable of the bicycle and other good news by Stephen E. Robinson given to me as a baptisim gift. Has anyone else read it?
I liked this mock conversation at the end of the chapter on saved by grace:
But why would You do this for me? Because I love you. But it doesn't seem fair. That's right. It's not fair at all - it's merciful. It is, after all, a gift. But how can I possibly deserve such a gift? Don't be silly. You can't. You don't. This gift is offered because I love you an want to help you, not because I owe it to you. But how can I ever repay You? There you go again. Don't you get it yet? You can't repay me, not you or all the billions like you. Gifts of this magnitude can never be repayed. For what I've done out of love for you, you can only love me back, and seek to become what I am - a giver of good gifts.
Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings the tune--without the words And never stops at all.... --Emily Dickinson
I've read this book. He had a "sequel" to it titled, "Following Christ."
I liked this book alot. This is something that I struggle with--I believe in Christ, but when it comes to me and my salvation, I sometimes don't believe Him.
It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.
My husband is kind enough to remind me of this principle often. Recently on a Sunday I was feeling very spiritually fed and uplifted. I was just really happy. I said something to my husband like, "But I don't deserve it. I haven't been doing enough." He just hugged me and said, "No one deserves it."
We're all undeserving. He is so gracious and loving.
"There is order in the way the Lord reveals His will to mankind. . .we cannot receive revelation for someone else's stewardship." L. Tom Perry