There's an interesting article over at Meridian Magazine about pornographic marketing that suggests that maybe we ought to not shop at or wear clothing from places that use explicit marketing.
So, I was wondering... Are there stores you won't patronize because their advertising offends you?
FTR, you won't see me in A&F or Victoria's Secret for this reason. (I'm not saying anyone else needs to feel the same way I do, I'm just looking for a dialog.)
"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton
I heard about A&F's practices a while ago, but since I didn't shop there anyway it didn't concern me. But yes, I disagree with the use of pornography, even soft porn, to advertise products. My brother used to joke that Bally Fitness should be renamed Bally SoftPorn because their ads always featured tight bodies in tight outfits.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
Ok, what about non-clothing? I hesitate to take my family to eat at Carl's Jr. because of some of the advertising they've done. I doubt they notice the loss, but I feel better.
"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton
What used to tick me off was the Coppertone baby sunscreen where it showed the little girl and the dog pulling her bikini bottoms off her bum. I quit buying that. But now they changed the label.
Life is tough but it's tougher if you're stupid. -John Wayne
"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton
hiccups wrote:Are there stores you won't patronize because their advertising offends you?
Yes. I will not ever buy anything from A&F because of a few ads they ran a few years back. It amounted to an evil glorification of homosexual statutory rape - with obvious and intended similarities to homosexual indoctrination of underage youth.
I suppose I'm a hypocrite, because I shop at WalMart even though they sell thong underwear with sexual phrases written on them to 8 yr olds. We use that reality as a way to train our kids. My 7 yr old girl likes playing the "appropriate/innapropiate" game where we look through magazines or clothing aisles and spot which is which. She's naturally good at it.
And I'd discuss the holy books with the learned men, seven hours every day. That would be the sweetest thing of all.
Yes, there are limits. I think the difference, for me, is that though Walmart might carry some rather inappropriate products from time to time, that isn't anywhere near the majority of what they sell or how they advertise. (I don't watch much tv these days, but I can't recall ever seeing a pornographic Walmart ad. That's a funny thought, though. "Hi! Welcome to Walmart!" says the elderly door greeter while wearing swimwear.)
I think playing the appropriate/inappropriate game sounds like a great way to help children learn discernment and empower them to make good choices.
"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton
hiccups wrote:I think playing the appropriate/inappropriate game sounds like a great way to help children learn discernment and empower them to make good choices.
Huh. I totally thought that as keeper of the a-word, you'd have been joking about that sunscreen.
"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton
Babies and kids bums totally need to be covered. I don't even like spaghetti straps on little girls. Maybe I'm backwards, but when my girls (especially) are little, I keep them totally covered up. As they get to be older, I'll let up a bit and give them more lee-way. So far, my 6th grader has stayed VERY modest.
My boys are modest, too. No tank tops and definitely not running around with no shirt on. My 13yo boy is EXTREMELY modest.
Life is tough but it's tougher if you're stupid. -John Wayne
Sounds like we'd be form a posse to go find that dog and send it to obedience/modesty school.
My boys are very modest as well. Ok, the oldest two. The two yr old swings between wanting to be completely covered in footie pj's and wanting to be au natural.
"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton