What are some things you do to make time for writing?
Recently I'm on the tail end of finishing a book. I find myself finding excuses NOT to write, so that I won't feel the need to start the next project. Feeling a lot of anxiety, cuz I used to have a lot of energy and wrote a lot in the early morning, but lately that time's been absorbed by late night work often with kids and their ever demanding need to do their homework, or reading assignments, or getting that science project completed. I've noticed that all it takes is one late night during the week, and my ability to get up early the rest of the week is shot.
In a way I'm grateful for my desire to write, and to do so in the early mornings, because it helps me better understand my own natural rhythms, but sadly, with the large number of often worthy causes that require us to stay up later and later, I am finding that time is being disolved away...
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)