First of all, thank you Hiccups for your absolutely inspired post on the WWJD thread.
I've been grieving. And I'm pretty close to acceptance. So from that frame of mind, I think I now can give something of worth to my friends.
I've been insensitive, at times abrasive, and disrespectful of your challenges--here and in other places. I'm deeply sorry. I could have been a much better friend.
I realize that as hard as this has been for me to redefine a friendship, it must be infinitely harder for you--re-evaluating and in many cases redefining relationships with family, friends, church members, communities. I'm sure that some of them have let you know you are no longer welcome. And all of that added to a letting go of a former life and starting on a new and uncertain journey.
I hope that among the challenges and the cacophany of voices trying to pull you this way and that, you will find quiet moments of peace.
Casi, I have always valued your witty, playful, and lighthearted approaches to otherwise "serious" topics. Shiz, I have always valued your astute and sensible approach to all things political. I hope you will still find ways to share those talents with us here.
The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life. - Julie Beck
"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton
Heaven knows we haven't always seen eye to eye on topics of discussion in the two years we've been acquainted with each other online. Sometimes we even had some hefty misunderstandings back across the river. Maybe even some (even if left undiscussed) in the last month here.
But by and large, you aren't going to find another group of people online than the core of us faithful TBMs here at Bountiful that care more about and for you. If you can't see that or believe it now, then I hope someday you will.
It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."
Hugs and Courage to both of you. We've had far too many adventures to leave them unresolved... so sorry if my personal baggage sometimes clobbers innocent bystanders... eventually I'll mature to the point where I can see better than through a glass darkly, but I'm glad to be learning more about myself after all these years.
Heck, there's a character named Cassindra in one of my books... thinking about you lots and hoping you're both doing well! I hope the Lord is answering all your prayers with peace.
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)
How's this for supportive??? Tonight I got a call from the Fred Thompson election campaign... and just for Casi and Shiz I listened to the whole shhhhpeel thing, before hanging up in disgust... And I wouldn't even do that for MY candidate... IF I had even had a candidate at this point in this whole dumb... "how soon is TOO early to be campaigning"... process!
(BTW, the answer to that question is anytime before next summer for me... I care NOT one whit what polls and early primaries say... they don't really start saying anything I want to hear until we get rid of the posturing!)