"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton
Anything underwater. Nothing is as peaceful as going under the ocean, swimming over rocks and through kelp, and seeing the fish. I've read that the minute you submerge your face your heart rate and blood pressure drops. So cool!
Babies faces covered in some kind of really messy food that they are totally enjoying... I just think that is a wonderful event... and it always makes me smile.
My hubby's presence always makes me happy too. We like to be in the same room no matter what we are doing... The physical/emotional connection between us is strong as long as we are in close proximity... A few weeks ago on a Sunday morning before church I was reading on the bed while he was napping after working the night before... at some point his hand brushed my arm and he simply curled his fingers around my elbow and sighed... I asked him later if he was awake... He didn't remember the action so we assume he was mostly asleep... But he said that somewhere in his brain he was sure he knew it was me and was comforted to know that I was there beside him. That comment made me VERY happy!