We hope that you'll not only enjoy your stay but that you'll continue to visit.
So glad you are all stopping by.
no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing... the truth of God will go forth till it has penetrated every website, sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done
Yes, you are definitely welcome, not only to have a place to talk while Nauvoo is being fixed, but to visit occassionally if you feel the need. We're a different type of forum. You won't find everything here that you had at Nauvoo. But you may find things here that are worth coming back for as well.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
I just wish I could get my post count back... booo hooo... I worked so hard at it... ya'know?
Maybe this was all a "sign"... Just His way of telling us all that we are for wasting too much time online??? As a prisoner of this recliner this weekend, I sure hope not... But I am beginning to wonder...
One word of advise to Nauvoodles who have not frequented here... Bountiful is not Nauvoo. Bountiful is not an imitation of Nauvoo. So, we ask that certain attitudes that are often prevelant in that forum be left at the door here. We talk about issues that we personally believe are pertinent to life as an active LDS, striving to keep the covenants we have made.
Bountiful is Bountiful. It is hard to describe it beyond that! Bountiful is something you really have to experience to understand! We don't have a grand mission statement like Nauvoo, but we do have a couple rules at the top levels of several of the thread categories. It would be good for you to familiarize yourself with them. We hope that you enjoy your participation here, and that the paradigm Bountiful operates under is beneficial to you as a fellow Saint!
We understand that there are misunderstandings at times when communicating. No on is above misinterpreting or being misinterpreted. All are expected to behave as mature adults and not take offense when something is said they do not agree with, but at the same time, no one is above being called to task publicly if they are clearly being offensive. We have a process in place where if things get less than civil, all parties involved must adhere to a cooling down period on the topic. Then, if it is so desired (or deemed necessary), a panel of moderators will work with the parties to mediate a resolution between them that all parties can concur with. Insofar as possible, this is all done in the open so that we can maintain transparency and all can learn from the experience and so that all of us can be better saints in the future.
So, again, welcome!
It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."
So, we ask that certain attitudes that are often prevelant in that forum be left at the door here.
Please accept at face value that I am not at all offended by your comments Cat... I am asking for clarification only. I do not offend easily, but I also don't like confrontation, so I don't want to be somewhere that I will become a thorn in the side to others.
What part of our Nauvoo personalities should we leave at the door...? Since I didn't know I had a "Nauvoo" personality, I need to know what "attitudes" are unacceptable that you saw there... I didn't adjust myself to fit in there and I won't adjust myself to fit in here... I doubt anyone else will either. You either fit in somewhere or you don't in my experience, if you don't fit, usually you leave and find a place you do fit. The only adjustments I make in my life and thinking are so that I can be in harmony with the Spirit and follow the advise of church leaders with stewardship over my family. Most of the time that means swallowing my pride and accepting the Lord's corrections which are made manifest to me in a variety of ways.
That said I grew up in an immediate and extended family with LDS roots, more deeply ingrained than I would care to share here, but with VERY diverse attitudes and opinions in their daily lives today. We are all at very different places in our lives spiritually, which I can best explain by saying that I have a brother that is a significant priesthoood authority in his area, and a sister that is "very negative" about the church and in fact asked to have her name removed years ago. We still manage to get along and be a family, and show love and respect... so I suppose I can handle myself okay here without getting my panties in a bunch.
I will wholeheartedly admit that for me Nauvoo was a good fit... And while I have read the rules of conduct for Bountiful and felt able to live within those constraints... your message implies that there is more that we should "understand" about this community... if there is something that will be asked of me later to accept, which is not apparent... perhaps you would enlighten me before I invest too much time here...? There are certainly other places to go, however I joined at Mahonri's invitation because I missed some of the friends I made from Nauvoo that appeared to be hanging out here as well... (In fact since I had wondered where Mahonri went, it was a pleasant surprise to see him here...)
It is, I suppose "possible" that the Nauvoo forum will never exist again... as it is becoming increasingly difficult to protect and defend forum servers from mischief makers, so I wouldn't blame anyone for deciding that it is just too much trouble to provide space on a private server to a bunch of people so that they can "visit"...
I felt I would like to replace that sense of community I felt at the very least temporarily and possibly permanently with something else, so it would be nice to know what things would not be welcome here that were welcomed there... I am if nothing else, a person that does not mind following rules, even unwritten ones given the right motivation. I just need to know what those unwritten ones are, to figure out if if I feel motivated enough.
I don't go for unwritten rules. If there's a rule we need here, then anyone can feel free to suggest it (maybe I should resurrect the thread on rule suggestions). Cat is simply trying to convey that we have a different community here. In the three different wards I've lived in in recent years, each has had its strengths and weaknesses. We have strengths that Nauvoo doesn't have. We have weaknesses that they don't have. Conversely, there are strengths and weaknesses they have that we don't. So, to answer your question, if you just follow the written rules, you'll be fine. We're not asking you to change yourself as much as realize that Bountiful is not Nauvoo, just as Provo is not Mesa or Denver is not Los Angeles. Some people like all those places. Some don't like one or the other. In the 8 months we've been around, we've formed a distinct community spirit. We welcome everyone who is willing to abide by the rules. But we expect you to realize that there are personalities, practices, and running jokes that aren't the same as they are at Nauvoo. Nauvoo is great, and has its place. But Bountiful is not Nauvoo, nor do we try for it to be. We welcome everyone from Nauvoo that wants to come here. We realize that Bountiful will change as that happens, an that's perfectly natural. But we are different communities.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
2. Moderation is openly discussed in the "Moderation" Forum. If you have an issue with the way things are moderated you are OPENLY encouraged to discuss it in that forum where everyone can chime in. Further the moderators will post notice of any action of moderation they take. Moderation has a more democratic feel to it here... And for the record, The moderators actually do have a private forum for debate amongst themselves too, in which we all vary in our approach and sensitivities.
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)