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Post Info TOPIC: Childhood Misconceptions

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Childhood Misconceptions

Everyone has them.  Admit it.  Those little things that you didn't realize for years were totally wrong to the point of being silly.  For instance, when I was a kid I always wanted to get Scrubbing Bubbles bathroom cleaner because I wanted to see those bubbles scrub around the tub like they did in the commercials!  And when I was really little I was obsessed with symmetry so when the FHE manual had a family with 3 children on it -- a girl, a boy, and a baby -- I decided the baby had to be androgynous because otherwise it would be UNEVEN.  I didn't realize the word segue was the term for transition because it's spelled so weird, my perception of the heard word and the spelled word were completely separate.

So what misconceptions did YOU have as a young person?


Hot Air Balloon

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It wasn't until I went on my mission that I realised that people in the church and on missions are not only not perfect, but many of them have no intent on getting there... ;)

I'm not slow; I'm special.
(Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)

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~I used to think the TV had little people in the TV BOX. (and that if you looked inside the TV you'd find the people).

~ as a 4 or 5 year old, I thought that our next door neighbor who was 9 was really a "big 15 year old teenager"

~ I used to think superheros such as Superman/Wonderwoman/Hercules etc were at the bottom of the world "holding it up". ( i wasn't a church member back then and also obviously didn't know about gravity and how planetary spin works). I still don't and do find it a miracle that this big blue marble (remember that show??) just spins around and around while going around the sun, and to do so at such a fast speed. (I think we move thousands of miles an hour) It is amazing to me that the earth doesn't just "fall down" and end up at the bottom of some great universal pit!

~ as a 12 year old I never envisioned becoming independent and being able to buy my own makeup. I rarely wear it. Still, back then, I recall thinking one time how will I get makeup when I am older.


Wise and Revered Master

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My son was just devestated to learn that Superman wasn't a real person. It broke my heart to see him in tears. I didn't realize that he thinks that Superman, Spiderman, Batman, are all real. It was very sad.

I guess for me it was the misconception that our government really cares about the constitution and the problems of America. Then I grew up a realized they only care about their jobs and money. Very sad.


God Made Man, Sam Colt Made Him Equal.


Understander of unimportant things

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Cheese is moldly milk... and corned beef is made with poo crystals!

It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."

Senior Bucketkeeper

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I always took that slogan on police cars at face value: "To protect and serve."  Now I understand that the "serve" part doesn't really apply to people, it applies to "justice" or some other abstract concept.


The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life. - Julie Beck


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Now I understand that the "serve" part doesn't really apply to people, it applies to "justice" or some other abstract concept.

Well, maybe you just haven't met the right police officers. aww


"We can do no great things, only small things with great love."

--Mother Teresa

Senior Bucketkeeper

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Good point.  Admittedly, most of my experiences have been with big-city officers (I've done ride-alongs with a friend) and they seem too busy dealing with all the crap to really render service to citizens.  But they do a remarkable job of protecting.


The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life. - Julie Beck

Senior Bucketkeeper

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When I was a kid and mom and my sisters would go to a baby shower... I thought they all took turns watching the baby get showered in the tub.

Then later on when they had a bridal shower for one of my sisters friends at our home, mom was shooing dad and all of the boys out of the house but I kinda wanta to hang around and see what it was like. smile.gif

no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing... the truth of God will go forth till it has penetrated every website, sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done

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Here is a childhood misconception I just read about, it is a little 4 year old boy who broke his leg while attempting to "fly" like a character from a movie he'd recently watched. Poor guy!!;bp=t


Keeper of the Holy Grail

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When I was real young, I thought I was the next Jesus. You know, the "second" one for the "second" coming.

Then I realized I was female and Jesus was male. So I reasoned I must be going to be the mother for this "second" coming Jesus. I remember looking down the hall at my kindergarten locker and thinking to myself, "These people have no idea who I am."



Life is tough but it's tougher if you're stupid.  -John Wayne

Senior Bucketkeeper

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Perhaps you will be the mother of the Prophet of the Lord when the Savior returns?

It's a thought.

That would be a blessed calling!

no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing... the truth of God will go forth till it has penetrated every website, sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done

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I was always afraid of getting sucked into the bathtub!

I always thought we were playing hide and seek, but my brothers just told me to hide and they would never seek.

I thought red-heads were weird, so I always wanted brown hair.

Although, when I was younger, and people in the grocery store would compliment me on my hair color, I would always say "It's not red! It's Pink!" (I don't remember this, but it's one of my mom's favorite stories)

My brother's friend had all of these bananas in bags that he told me had marvelous stories and names. One jumped off the Sears tower, one fell down the Grand Canyon, one went caving, etc.

I wanted to marry President Bensen because I thought he was cute and I wanted to be that close to Jesus. When he died I was devastated! I was only 8 though...good thing I moved on. I also didn't realize that he had already been married.

I thought I was the girl Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you. — Oscar Wilde


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Oh, this is my favorite childhood misconception:

All of my kids have gone through the stage where they thought that one day, they would be the parents, and their father and I would be the children.

Just yesterday, my 3yo dd (cause that's about the age it hits) said to me, "When I am the mommy and you the the little girl..."



"We can do no great things, only small things with great love."

--Mother Teresa

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trooperswife wrote:

Just yesterday, my 3yo dd (cause that's about the age it hits) said to me, "When I am the mommy and you the the little girl..."


That is just too sweet, she'll take good care of you when you are old!

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