I find this story interesting, because it's about a guy who took a rather iconic commercial, doctored it up with his home PC, put it up on YouTube, sent out links on a few blogs, and it was picked up by the news.
The fact that it's an attack on Hillary and pro Obama, imo, is of lesser significance to the fact that individuals with a bit of Know-How now have the power to affect the Media in rather dramatic ways... assuming THEY like the message you're sending and don't bury it.
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)
I watched it on You tube and thought it was pretty clever. Good production value. It's being noticed by the media because it is new. In a few months there will be so many of these things posted to the web that no one in the media will be able to pay attention unless there's an outrageous one put out by the conservatives and then they will focus on it for months until someone in congress calls for hearings and changes to campaign laws blah, blah, blah.
Yay for stupid media types and news organizations who don't have anything better to do than look for folks who are making candidates look bad...
Or, is the non-existant universal left-wing conspiracy headed by Billary to put a smoke screen out there that everything bad is coming from the "vast right-wing conspiracy" that is out to make Billary look bad pulling the strings here?
I don't recall there being this sort of "uproar" when JibJab did it's stuff back during the 2004 election cycle on Bush (and all the other candidates for that matter). Now that was some classicly funny parody!
It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."