The American people seem to want a new strategy for the Iraq front of the War on Islamofascism. The Bush administration seems to be recognizing that, with the change in leadership at the Pentagon. But what should our strategy be?
I agree with Arnold Kling* that, ultimately, this situation is not our failure, but the failure of the Iraqi people (excepting the Kurds) to take the opportunity we have given them. We have made some mistakes along the way, but ultimately it is their country.
I could fix this tomorrow but no one has the stomach for my tactics these days. We've tried to make war a civilized affair with rules that make us feel better about ourselves.
I have never bought the idea that throwing more troops in will solve anything but provide more targets. I would like to see a phased withdrawal but I fear our leaving will allow Iran to increase their influence. Before any withdrawal is done, the Iraqis need to have their government settled and probably a semi-autonomous arrangement for the primary groups (Kurds, Sunnis and Shiites). I almost think we need to keep a presence in the Middle East, especially with our troubles with Iran. But then I think the Iraqis may actually make more progress if we step back and quit giving the more radical factions us as an excuse to cause trouble.
I don't think anyone really knows what the results of our actions will be, no matter what actions we take. There seem to be negatives no matter what. We can't, however, jump ship and call it done.