The world sure is getting bizzare, even if you don't agree with President Bush's policies, this kind of rhetoric is scary.
PT, maybe you should give Chavez' opinion some credence. After all, he's associated enough with the Devil that he should know
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
I just saw on Fox News that actor Danny Glover was buddying up to Presidente Loco down in Harlem. Presidente Loco is meeting with the folks in Harlem because he has been giving them heating oil below cost through his U.S. company Citgo. What a jerk! My family is boycotting Citgo service stations now and don't even get me started on Danny Glover!
You know what I think, and I won't give my whole two-cents, cuz I ain't got the time, but Chavez is a coward. A downright coward. He says this sort of stuff at a time when he feels "safe" because of his formation of the Axis of Wannabe's with a has-been Castro and a I-need-a-make-over-cuz-I'm-the-everyday-sortof-Iranian-student-kindaguy Ahmenijab (sic?), and oh, I feel militarily strong because a-cash-strapped Putin sold me Russian armaments.
Impugn all you want, idiot. Your day of impunity will end, and it will most likely come at the hands of your own people, not the devil and brimstone you smelled (sure it wasn't your own b.o., dude?) so you could get your soundbytes and laughing from idiots in the UN general assembly.
It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."
My wife was watching the news yesterday when Presidente Loco claimed our government was behind the planes that hit the twin towers. I would love to put a bullet in that man's head. I don't mean to sound shocking or anything but someone needs to do it. Heaven forbid this guy ever gets nukes.
There are some communities and companies that I am proud of. 7-11 dropped Hugo's gas company and some Alaskan villages are refusing his offer of oil to heat their homes. And apparently, it is coming as a surprize to Chavez. Go figure: there are consequences to what he says and does.
As soon as I heard about 7-11 dropping Citgo I sent them an email thanking them for their courage. I'm sure some people stopped buying gas there after Presidente Loco made his remarks. Hopefully those people will return as soon as the Citgo signs come down.
Although I have never bought gas from 7-11's or other stations that sell Citgo (there are other's besides 7-11) because the price has been higher to begin with, I too am encouraged by the public announcement they would not renew the contract with Citgo.
Not only a wise decision from a business standpoint in the political climate, but a nice way to subtley tell Mr. Loco-Look-Ma-No-Brains! "May the bird of paradise fly up your nose... May an elephant lay one upon your toes... may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits..."
But, there is nothing to say that Venezuelan gasoline still does not get into the US spot market, and we end up buying it indirectly at any gas station that does not carry a big brand name like Chevron or BP or Shell (who all own their own supply channels).
It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."
I think that it's high time that we develop our own oil resources. There are those who say that we have enough oil reserves and to spare to provide all our own needs, if only we would allow the drilling and build more oil refineries. I keep meaning to buy "Black gold stranglehold" by Jermoe Corsi. It certainly sounds like an interesting book.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
True we could be energy independent but there is a "Not in my back yard mentality" in this country. You can't drill anywhere without a 20 year lawsuit challenging you on every plant and animal species in the area. The oil shortage is of our own making. Between Alaska, the Gulf, and the California coast we could put a serious hurt on the foreign oil coming in. But if you try to put up a rig off the California coast or in ANWAR you get slapped with dozens of lawsuits by the environmental movement. With today's technology there is no reason these operations will not be clean, safe, and environmentally friendly. I knew this was coming when President Clinton declared a monument on some of the best coal grounds in Utah. Those coal fields could have greatly reduced our need to export fossil fuels for power generation and it supposedly was some of the cleanest coal around.