I believe that we should be good stewards of what the Lord has given us. I love nature, and love living in a semi-rural area. But I also believe that environmentalism is used as a control mechanism over us. For instance, the "wetlands" definition is very broad, and is pretty much used to describe any land that the environmentalists don't want you to develop on. Most of the environmental activists are hypocrites. Did you know that Gore, when making his recent film about global warming, flew from location to location in his private jet? I'm sure that wasn't an excessive use of fossil fuel.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
I recycle what is convienent and I occasionally carpool. I guess I'm a convienent environmentalist. If it's convienent I'll do it.
Oh, and I don't litter. Don't know anyone who does. As a teenager if I had a friend who dropped litter I would make them go back and pick it up. Even if they were tougher than me. They always did it.
I agree with arbilad's views on modern environmentalism.
That said, I use flourescent bulbs, recycle paper and metals (no curbside here in my small town), garden organically, and compost kitchen scraps and yard/garden waste.
My lawnmowers are 100% organic, use no fossil fuels and fertilize the grass as they mow it.
"Look back on our struggle for freedom, trace our present day's strength to its source, and you'll find that man's pathway to glory is strewn with the bones of a horse."
- Anonymous
all four of my girls would LOVE to get a lawnmower like yours, Spotted. if we're ever in Wyoming we may just have to take one for a testride.
As for environmentalism, I'm very sympathetic to them, but I do think it is exploited by the left. I think Bush has been quite sensible about the environment (unless you count Katrina as an environmental issue), so I tend to vote with conservatives when it comes down the environmental issues.
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)
Okay, the first time I tried to attach a file, my post didn't appear. Second try:
Ray, I should have some ready for test rides as of next summer. I'm only now getting some of them under saddle. How old are the Raybies girls?
I have two mini-donkeys that are just adorable! One will give bareback rides to little ones, on lead. They are both puppy-dog friendly and will follow you around the yard like a dog. They're for sale, too!
Pic of two of my organic, environmentally friendly lawn-mowers attached!
"Look back on our struggle for freedom, trace our present day's strength to its source, and you'll find that man's pathway to glory is strewn with the bones of a horse."
- Anonymous
I've had a compost pile for over a year and I use it exclusively to fertilize.
We recycle almost everything (the city has a fairly good program.)
I'm converting our yard to xeriscape with native Texas and adapted plants that need very little water.
I think we should drill ANWR then cap it. That way, when the real oil crisis hits, we'll have enough to keep our own economy alive while rapidly developing new technologies--we're too shortsided and greedy to develop those technologies now.
As Grant Peterson said about bicycles: Think of them as rolling art that can just about save the world. I commute by bicycle and occasionally participate in Critical Mass rides.
I think SUVs should be taxed into non-existence.
*reaching for flash suit and SCBA*
The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life. - Julie Beck