I just came from a Tea Party meeting with Arizona Congressional Representative Jeff Flake. I asked him how we got into this war without a declaration of war by the US Congress. He agreed it was unconstitutional to go into it without a declaration of war, but only after I pointed out the requirement of such in the Constitution. It was clear that most members of Congress do not care a whit about that requirement.
I can remember when the U.S. had air force bases in Libya and when Gadhafi took over as ruler (dictator) he expelled the U.S. forces. The Libyan military was then built up by the USSR with weapons, and other equipment, and Soviet military advisors. Thus it was when in 1978 I worked several weeks in one of the gas fields 300 miles in from the coast. During a few days in Benghazi, Brega, and Tripoli I noted some Libyans liked Gadhafi, some very much. Some detested him and his regime. Then there were various opinions in between. The funniest thing I saw out there was on arrival at the Benghazi airport the customs inspectors tore our luggage apart looking for forbidden items. But all came to a stop when one of the ispectors found a porn book in the luggage of a Swede. The other inspectors stopped and gathered around to look at the book while the pasengers had to wait for them a few minutes. I'm sure there are still Libyans alive today who worked at those U.S. air bases. I met a bus driver who had been sent to the Massachusetts General Hospital for heart surgery by a collection taken up among the airmen at the U.S. air base here he worked. He got me out of a jam by taking his bus out after hours on his own time and transporting me and a dozen or so mechanics from the airport to a hotel in Tripoli, and would not accept money. Then there was a young hotel room clerk who was absolutely hateful toward westerners. The oil and gas fields and NGL plants had been build and were managed and operated by westerners, including many Americans, and had been set up by such Western petroleum companies like ESSO, BP, Shell, etc. The desert camps were men only. Strong drink was forbidden in Libya, so most of it was desert camp moonshine. I had to bribe a guy the equivalent of 50 bucks to get the paperwork done so I and the mechanics with me could get our pasports back to leave the country. It was a relief to get out of there, but the pay was great.
Now that you mention it, when was the last time we actually had a bonafide declaration of war by congress? Wasn't it WW2? Is there "lawyer legalese" that allows money and arms to be appropriated without passing articles of war (Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq)?
Ironically the only "nation" I can think of that is actually committing offences "worthy"of war (invading our borders) is Mexico! Of course, they are part of the North American Union so that doesn't count.
8 December 1941 was the last declaration of war by the US Congress. Other (UN) resolutions and authorizations by Congress have not been declarations of war. The following is from World Affairs Brief of 25 March 2011.
"The hardcore opposition from Sen. Rand Paul and his father Congressman Ron Paul are once again going to force Congress to address a declaration of war. Both will introduce into their respective chambers a declaration of war on Libya, which they do not intend to support. This follows after what Ron Paul did during the Iraq war in an attempt to force Congress to go on record with proper justificationsomething he knew they wouldnt do. (And Congress did not.)
"The earlier attempt by Ron Paul elicited the infamous retort by House Speaker Henry Hyde that, There are things in the Constitution that have been overtaken by events, by time. Declaration of war is one of them. There are things no longer relevant to a modern society. Why declare war if you don't have to? We are saying to the President, use your judgment. So, to demand that we declare war is to strengthen something to death. You have got a hammerlock on this situation, and it is not called for. Inappropriate, anachronistic, it isn't done anymore."
"So not only has Congress informally repudiated its war powers in Ron Pauls day, but it now is reluctant to even bring it up. The only thing Pauls protest in committee did was add to our proofs of conspiracy. Hydes remarks were edited out of the video tape and the audio tape of the hearings by two separate entitiesone private (C-Span) and the other public (Congressional Recording Office). Somebody got to both of them to protect Hyde from having publicly denigrated the Constitution and his oath of office to it."
My thinking is that what the NWO globalists have planned for Libya will not accomodate Col. Muammar al-Qaddafi remaining top dog in Libya. And I don't think he will give up his control for any humitarian reasons. It's been 33 years since I spent 6 weeks in Libya, but I suspect many if not most of Quaddafi's supporters view the rebels and foreign attackers much the same as the early Mormons in the Salt Lake Valley viewed Johnston's army coming toward them. I think their religious beliefs contribute greatly to their will to resist.