Do any of you know how I can print off an ordinance request sheet? I watched a video in HP group late last year that made it sound like a lot of that could be done from a home computer now. Yet when I went to Family Search, registered, and looked around, there wasn't much there beyond research databases and resources. Maybe I'm missing something...
Any of you Family History pros willing to help me out?
I should know how, having served an 18 month mission at the Family History Library in SLC 2006-2008. But I have forgotten most of that because of my area of concentration as a family history consultant is in a much different area. My wife can do it, she says, but cannot explain it well and is afraid of messing you up.
I suggest you PM Historian, as I believe she is still a family history consultant, and much better prepared to help you out.
As an update, there is a NEW family search site. It is not linked to the official Church website; you have to type I got in and now it makes a lot more sense.
The church has several web sites that I'm told will eventually become one -- but there's sooo much out there that combining them will probably be confusing, too.
For now what we have is -- this is the oldest one, and its focus is research for free. It still has the older temple records, and the SSDI, and the 1880-1881 census records. HOWEVER, it also has (under the Search menu) Record Search Pilot, with a vast and increasing number of records - state census, probate, birth certificates, you name it there might be some of it there. This is the fruit of the indexing efforts the church has been asking people to do. ALSO, it has historical books - more than 60,000 titles of genealogical interest and more coming as soon as they get more server space. These books come from 11 different libraries and are completely searchable and printable. -- this is the one for temple work and you're not the first person to be confused by two sites with similar names. For now, they are completely separate sites. What this site is offering has been called the Tree of Mankind because we're trying to link all the names with the rest of the family. A huge undertaking. I understand that they expect to open it up to non-members next year -- without showing the ordinance data. -- Perhaps you remember the Research Outlines of the past? Lots of wonderful information in a textbook format? Now it's all online and pretty - and they ask us to contribute what we know, too. An amazing resource!! -- Here is a great place to ask questions or read the answers to other people's questions. Again, a significant resource -- and free!
Sorry to take so long to reply -- I was in Salt Lake for the National Genealogical Convention -- and a wonderful, wonderful week it was. Among other things, the church (FamilySearch) announced that they were releasing 300 million additional names in the record search collections.
You are all sorry you missed the fireside Thursday evening with David McCullough and President Eyring and the Tabernacle Choir. They got three well-deserved standing ovations. The good news for all of you is that they announced that they would make a dvd of this Celebration of Family History.