Has anyone heard of the Kindle 2? It's an electronic book reading device that is supposedly as easy on the eyes as printed text. I can't see spending $369 on something just to read books (which you still have to buy in addition to the price of the thing). But the concept sounds cool. Carry all of your books around with you and read them whenever you want. If you want a new book, just order it wirelessly and you get it pretty quick. Still, I can't see spending that kind of money on it.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
Wait a while. It's overpriced.. the price should be coming down in the near future. There's also a new competitor in the market that will drive competition.
Everything I need I carry on my PalmPilot in PDF format; it's getting a little long in the tooth... but so am I
The price never came down much on the Kindle 1 so I wouldn't hold my breath on the Kindle 2....
My husband has been impressed with it from what he has seen, but he is researching for a cheaper solution. Amazon just released software that will allow you to get the books, etc., on an iPod so that's also a possible solution (though not as nice on the eyes, I'm sure). Right now my husband prefers all his reading to be in electronic format. Partially because he wrote a Perl script that lets him edit the bad words out of books he can put on his PDA -- I doubt he'd be able to do that with the proprietary format of books on the Kindle.