The GOP has told the NY governor to resign or they'll go for impeachment. It's all due to a call girl scandal. Do you think he should leave office or be impeached?
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
Governors are generally considered the chief law enforcement officer of the state. When the chief law enforcement officer is violating state law and in this case federal law by going across state lines then he needs to leave his post. If he won't leave willingly, he should be removed. Impeachment is the process by which he should be removed.
Jason (Formerly salesortonscom)
As I walk through this earth, nothing can stop, the Duke of Mirth!
He reminds me of the Clintons... folks who feel that they are above the law.
I feel badly for his family.
no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing... the truth of God will go forth till it has penetrated every website, sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done
further Spitzer got his political popularity for prosecuting politicians who did exactly what he did to pay for the prostitution, which was also very very illegal.
He should be impeached.
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)
Ray, I'm not sure from your posts why you feel that he should be impeached rather than resign. If he resigns, unless I'm mightily mistaken, he's still criminally liable and can be tried for the crimes he committed. All impeachment accomplishes is removing him from office. A criminal trial punishing him for his crimes is separate from that. So all an impeachment accomplishes is the exact same result as if he resigned - only more expensive and it takes more time.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
Is it still morally wrong if they'd all been freebies? Yes, of course. But as Clinton proved while he was in office, there is a huge segment of our society that thinks it's fine for consenting adults to have sex with whomever and still be in high political office.
Makes me want to root for the second coming.
"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton
He used a dummy corporation to funnel money to pay for it. A financial practice for which he put away other politicians. Leaving aside the prostitution thing (which is illegal) he's guilty of finance irregularities... and I wouldn't mind it if he resigned... but either way the bum needs to go.
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)