I was recalling a fireside by our SP and wife talking about their trip to Jerusalem, etc. He, speaking about the visit to the Sea of Galilee, said, "Today I swam where Jesus walked." It was funny.
But today I'm thinking... what's up with that? There is some kind of thought process that goes on here, when one is able to do certain things we think of as defying laws. Walking on water, being in fire without being burned, escaping apparently unseen from one's enemies... things like that. Are we able to tap into that ourselves? Or does it come from outside ourself? There is a record that some people, once they reached a certain level of righteousness, received a promise that whatever they commanded would come to pass... moving mountains, changing matter into different forms, etc...
I'm wondering with the cleverness of Satan, if this is possible to "tap into" even when one is not particularly righteous, he wouldn't take this course of action in our future - making these "paranormal" if you will events seem common day. Nothing is really miraculous, it's xyz... explained through cutting edge science or psychology or whatever... I just think it might be another way to make people believe they don't need God.
Life is tough but it's tougher if you're stupid. -John Wayne
I think that if we had a perfect understanding, we would see that everything that Jesus did obeyed the laws of physics. We just don't know all the laws. We don't even fully understand the laws of physics that we do know. There are many things that earlier seemed to contradict the laws of physics that we now begin to understand a bit better. For instance, turning base metals into gold is now possible given massive amounts of radiation. Granted, you end up with irradiated gold, but you have turned one substance into another, just like Jesus turned water into wine. I think that Jesus just rearranged the atomic structure of the water until he had wine. This doesn't take away the miracle of it for me. Man is never going to achieve the power of God by science. To have the same power as God, we need to have a perfect understanding as He does. To have that perfect understanding, you need to take advantage of the atonement of Christ. There is no other way to gain that understanding. We are flawed and imperfect, and so we cannot of ourselves do the same things that God does. We need His help to raise us up to that level.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
jen- Yeah, skimmed it a couple weeks ago. Nothing really impressed me that much about it - it sort of left me feeling "self-centered." Have you read it? What did you get out of it?
arbi- Of course I'm not saying WE will discover that we no longer need God. WE know more than that. I'm just saying as far as the every day average enemy to God is concerned... do you think things like transmutation (is that it?) or controlling one's body (burns, diseases, etc.) will cause people to search more for a God? Or less? Once the medical field advances for example where we could conceivably be growing ourselves new kidneys in the fridge... all of a sudden prayer and fasting seems a little... you know, silly.
I'm just speculating on Satan's tactics. I think if I were him, I'd go this route.
-- Edited by Cocobeem at 12:02, 2008-01-08
Life is tough but it's tougher if you're stupid. -John Wayne