Funny because it's true. And I laugh because I come from Utah Mormon stock.
"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton
That's so funny! I do know a family that named all four of their kids by various combinations of mom and dad's first, middle and last names. It is not a kind thing to do.
"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton
Ha! Cat and I always felt that there were "some" Utah mormons (not all so no one get their knickers in a knot) that think it's "cool" to give there kids bizarre names. Now here's the proof to back it up! I'd really be interested in knowing what those parents were thinking! phooey yuck
Then again, one doesn't necessarily have to be from Utah to stick their child with an unusual name.
Jen, we tried all combinations of our first and last names, laughing our heads off. "Mirk" is actually one of the combos. I wonder if Mirkwood would be flattered.
"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton
How do you know it's true? Most of those names are so out there as to be unbelievable. I mean, "blondeen"? Come on.
Try googling Blondeen. I hit a couple of real people with that name. There are dreadful names in there, but they seem to be mostly real. (Is it really wrong that I submitted both of my parents' names? I'll be watching to see if they get added.)
I am so grateful that my parents gave me a normal name.
"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton
Yeah, why don't you just name your baby after a latrine? You know, as in "ravine latrine". Looking over some of those names tells me some parents need to get their heads examined.
But then, I don't know... I think JaKnifey has a nice ring to it Janey.
Hey...!!!!! MY name is on there... That is NOT fair... I like my name... NOW what do I do... How do I petition to have my name removed~~~~~~~ MY parents never lived in UT... ever...
Go ahead and blame alcoholism for some of them. I have alcoholic cousins there. It still happens.
Mostly, though, blame weird culture.
"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton
Weird names aren't restricted to Utah mormons. You'd be surprised how many people name their kids some variation of ESPN.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
If I had married a different person that proposed to me about 6 months before I met hubby... who I seriously considered marrying... (though I never realized what my initials would have been until much later, I am not that much of a football fan...) those would have been my initials too.
My daughter's initials are MOW... which are the same backwards-upside down...
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
Somewhere in Utah, someone is naming their baby, Mockee.
"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton
Somewhere in Utah, someone is naming their baby, Mockee.
I'd sooner name a baby that than "Latrina". Although I don't consider either one an appropriate baby name.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
Jen, we tried all combinations of our first and last names, laughing our heads off. "Mirk" is actually one of the combos. I wonder if Mirkwood would be flattered.
Whenever I run into one of those weird names, I wish I could have met their parents before they got pregnant and told them, "if you don't like kids don't have them".
"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton
"The promptings of the Holy Ghost will always be sufficient for our needs if we keep to the covenant path. Our path is uphill most days, but the help we receive for the climb is literally divine." --Elaine S. Dalton
Cinnamon was the name of the female spy in the first few seasons of Mission: Impossible. I don't remember her doing any pole dancing on the show.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
Did you know they now have a LAW against that sort of thing in China? I never realized you could legislate against stupidity and the future bullying that your offspring would endure.