The other day I was driving my car to work, and turned into a lane, and immediately behind me was a car that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Had that car been going faster, it wouldve struck me and I as I was making a right turn, he wouldve most likely plowed right into the drivers side.
Ive thought about that incident for a while now. There are things we do and dont do. These actions impact our neighbors even if we had no intention or ill will. My thought was about how Id nearlydue to my own carelessnessruined the day of some person I had no knowledge of before pulling in front of her. She had a nice new car, and I wouldve deserved the laws of physics, because you dont pull your car in front of a moving vehicle.
She was blessed that dayas was I. I know that at least one of us had said a prayer before leaving to arrive safely at work. How simple the tiny bit of grace I experienced that day, and yet how great the consequences that fraction of a second avertedIll never know.
Theres only ever been one perfect driver in all reality, and eventually we all crash our vehicles. But unlike in the realm of traffic accidents, Christ is there to offer healing. I cannot say enough about the miracle of the atonement, but I do know He lives and loves all of us. I am so grateful He was there for me.
-- Edited by rayb at 15:01, 2007-06-20
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)