We had Bible as Literature in my high school when I was there. Very popular class, as it counted towards either an English elective or a humanities elective. It met two or three days a week for a semester.
You would think the only good mormon boy in my graduating class of 525+ would have taken it...
Nah... I knew of the reputation of the teacher, and that it was taught in a kind of mocking tone at times towards anything spiritual.
And, besides I had something better... early morning seminary 5 days a week throughout the whole school year.
I don't think teaching the Bible from a historical or literary standpoint should be banned anymore than teaching philosophy in high school. But, I also do not know how a teacher or school can honestly give the scripture due dilligence if it avoids any religious flavoring.
It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."
I think it's just fine to teach the Bible and its main principles as part of a course on world religions, if other main religions are included in the study.
I oppose teaching the Bible as a course in and of itself, because then the state can dictate the objectives, methods, and measurements of the subject, and that's a step toward the state defining religious belief, and that's a bad thing.
The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life. - Julie Beck
I wouldn't mind it as a broad, generic history of religions or as an elective. I know in my state college that had some classes on it but I never took them. I have seen in the media some public schools go out of their way to almost indoctrinate kids into Islam while totally ignoring Judaism and Christianity. I think kids today do need a good understanding of the 4 major world religions in order to help them understand what is going on, warts and all.
I disagree. I think any reading of the Word of God has the potential to touch hearts. Who knows how many young Joseph Smiths are out there who just need to open their Bibles, rather than read so much of the garbage they pass off as English Literature nowadays...
Sure it may lead some to be cynical, but I think any exposure to God's word can dispel the mists of darkness just a little bit more...
Why is it that Satan's power diminishes every time a Temple is built? Why is it that we send out the least qualified to teach the Gospel?
Even simplistic and cynical discussions can lead to epiphany. That is the power of the Word of OUR God...
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)