CompUSA is closing over 50% of it's stores within the next couple months.
Did any of you know the company is actually just a holding company for the Mexican parent company owned by a Mexican billionaire?
Here in Motown, we will end up losing all the CompUSA stores and essentially be left with nothing to replace it. Yeah, we have a couple Apple Stores and a MicroCenter (which is not that great of a replacement or alternative to CrapUSA)... I'm just gonna love having to go to Best Buy or Circuit City to buy my computer stuff now... In Motown, CrapUSA WAS the top of the heap as far as computer type chain stores...
It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."
I had heard that. I haven't been to a CompUSA in a while, since most things I order online anymore. I was suprised when I learned that it was owned by a rich Mexican; I was even more surprised to learn that he's one of the richest men in the world. When I lived in California, there was Fry's Electronics. They had everything, and at pretty good prices. But the staff was as clueless as a bbq grill salesman at a greenpeace rally.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
Fry's :drool: My life would be so much better if I accidentally got locked in one night and could spend 8 hours wandering around with nobody else in the store...
The closest one is 30 minutes away, but I'll make the drive anytime, in any weather, for any reason.
The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life. - Julie Beck
We have a Fry's in Renton. Every Saturday morning on the way home from the temple, I am tempted by the place... gratefully, I've never yet succumbed, due to the strength I get from going to the Temple. So hey... that could be like a lesson or something.
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)
It is insidious how they wind the checkout line through several racks of candy.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
Fry's is a good 25 minutes away from our home... unfortunately, we make the trip all too often.
no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing... the truth of God will go forth till it has penetrated every website, sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done
The nearest CompUSA is over an hour away. I think I've only been there three time since it opened back in 1997 or 1998. So I guess I won't be feeling your pain Cat.
Yah. CompUSA didn't really penetrate the Puget Sound area either. There's one in Tukwila that is nestled between a Circuit City and a Best Buy. Of the three, they had the worst prices and the stores were not well organized.
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)
I won't be feeling much of my pain either, actually. I would go to CompUSA simply because they were closer than MicroCenter's one location and it was typically a one stop solution if I needed more than one thing. But, being a Mac person, I usually do mail order for software and hardware anyway. There simply will not be a place to go to if I'm in a lurch for software need quickly. And, I can get used to going to Staples or other places for CDs, DVDs, paper, and other consumables not mail ordered.
One of the IT guys at my client (who is also a Mac guy) filled me in Tuesday to this downfall of CompUSA going down, and he also praised this place called Fry's, hoping that they decide to come into the market here. If they do, let it be under the condition that they hire people who know what they are talking about and who will advise customers correctly as opposed to just trying to upsell stuff...
It seems to me the only thing you've learned is that Caesar is a "salad dressing dude."
Ahh... Zoopas... They've built an Olive Garden across the street from that place now... And there's now a Thai place in the same shopping center that's supposed to be pretty good.
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)
no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing... the truth of God will go forth till it has penetrated every website, sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done