This article talks about how former VP Al Gore uses more than 20 times the average national consumption of electricity in his mansion. Doesn't it seem like if there were a global warming crisis, and especially after making a film about it, he'd take some steps to cut back? He's worse than a religious leader who preaches the evils of drinking, then goes and gets drunk at a bar.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
I'll be honest. I want Al Gore to run for president. Perhaps with the green party. I won't vote for him, but I really do want him to run.
-- Edited by Mahonri at 20:15, 2007-02-26
no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing... the truth of God will go forth till it has penetrated every website, sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done
He needs to run again so that he can see what a loser he really is. He still thinks he won the first time.
Perhaps he could look up "E-L-E-C-T-O-R-A-L C-O-L-L-E-G-E" on that invention of his called the INTERNET!
no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing... the truth of God will go forth till it has penetrated every website, sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done
Wow. An average monthly electric bill of $1,359. $1080 average gas bill. The guy spends THIRTY GRAND A YEAR just to heat and light his mansion.
The average for my 4-member household is $75/$75. I don't think I'm that much out of the average.
So, it takes me and 15 other far-right wing conservative families to consume as much power in a year as Al Gore does.
(Assuming he only has the one house.)
My smart buddy puts it this way:And here's one more critical question to keep the debate honest: How many global warming alarmists were arguing for the same large-scale central-planning economic controls before global warming was an issue? If in the 1970's they were crying out against the cause du jour and the solution was the same as it is for global warming, they're selling you a bill of goods.
HSR, back then weren't they decrying nuclear winter? That if even one nuclear explosion went off in our atmosphere we'd all be in another ice age? Of course, that ignores the fact that they used to test atomic bombs all the time. But this just goes to show that Al Gore believes in limitations for other people, but not himself. It reminds me of the book Animal Farm. In the beginning, after the revolution, they kept up the pretense of all the animals ruling the farm equally. But the pigs started taking more and more special privileges for themselves. The land that was supposed to be for the peaceful retirement of animals was instead put to the purpose of growing barley so that the pigs could have beer, while the horse was "retired" to the glue factory because they no longer had space for him. People who consider themselves to be elite always believe in rules for others, but they don't want to apply those same rules to themselves.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
I'm sorry folks - I just am having a hard time grappling with this.
Here I sit, budgeting for flourescent lightbulbs, and keeping the reciepts and original packaging so I can get a replacement if one fails under warranty. I specifically had windows added to my house so we could take advantage of solar heating in the winter, and picked the shingle color that would reflect light so we could make it through the summers without air conditioning. We often turn down the thermostat at night, and pile on the blankets. I planted 130 trees so when they're grown, they'll lower our winter energy needs by slowing the wind that always blows from the northwest.
And Al Gore spends thirty grand a year heating and lighting his mansion, and tells me I'm not doing enough. I wonder if he turns down the thermostat while he's jetting around the country promoting his agenda.
The more I think about it, I don't think I could manage to raise my utilities bills that high if I tried. Maybe if I hooked up a few more space heaters and let the hot water run half the year?
I'd better get back to work before I start swearing.
arbilad wrote: HSR, back then weren't they decrying nuclear winter? That if even one nuclear explosion went off in our atmosphere we'd all be in another ice age? Of course, that ignores the fact that they used to test atomic bombs all the time. But this just goes to show that Al Gore believes in limitations for other people, but not himself. It reminds me of the book Animal Farm. In the beginning, after the revolution, they kept up the pretense of all the animals ruling the farm equally. But the pigs started taking more and more special privileges for themselves. The land that was supposed to be for the peaceful retirement of animals was instead put to the purpose of growing barley so that the pigs could have beer, while the horse was "retired" to the glue factory because they no longer had space for him. People who consider themselves to be elite always believe in rules for others, but they don't want to apply those same rules to themselves.
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding...we have a winner.
You nailed it exactly. They want one set of rules for themselves and one for the common man. They don't want anyone to own guns but it is ok for their body guards. They want us to cut back and conserve while they overwater their landscaped yards and indulge at parties arrived at using private jets and gas guzzling SUVs. They want huge swaths of land closed off to the public but open to them and their other enviro groupies. They want public beach access and restrictions on what folks can do with their property but don't want those things for their own beach front home and property. They want a higher minimum wage for Americans but don't want it applied to the people of American Samoa because someone donated campaign money to the right people. And the media parrots their doom and gloom and labels them as enlightened for the passionate activism. Bullhockey! What they want is the animal farm. Communism and state control for the masses while they sip champaign and talk about how enlightened they are in their million dollar Malibu mansions. How stupid are we people if we sit back and let these people make decisions for us. The elites in Hollywood, media, government, etc are corrupt and have their own interests at heart. If you have money and lawyers you can get the rules bent to whatever you want and demand that others live by them. The poor and middle class have no choice at that point. That is the real "Inconvenient Truth".
Medved talked about this today. I thought it was amusing to hear libs call in to try to defend him. He made the point that if this is a "moral" crisis as he claims, you'd think he'd try to take the moral highground. I think it only underscores the fact that he's not serious about change, other than change for everyone other than himself.
I'm not slow; I'm special. (Don't take it personally, everyone finds me offensive. Yet somehow I manage to live with myself.)
Medved talked about this today. I thought it was amusing to hear libs call in to try to defend him. He made the point that if this is a "moral" crisis as he claims, you'd think he'd try to take the moral highground. I think it only underscores the fact that he's not serious about change, other than change for everyone other than himself.
I heard on the radio this morning that the defense Gore is giving is that he has invested in renewable energies, so that balances out his power usage. But that doesn't hold water. If global warming was really a crisis, and we really needed to cut down our energy usage severely, just "balancing out" your energy usage wouldn't be enough. A truly moral person, if he truly believed that there was an imminent crisis, would cut down his energy usage as drastically as possible.
Heck, Gore is rich enough that it shouldn't be a problem for him to buy enough solar panels to run his house, at least at a reduced energy consumption rate. He could be totally avoiding harm to the environment by energy usage, and yet he isn't. Actions speak louder than words.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen! - Samuel Adams
Jason, we usually don't agree on a whole lot. However, I think your characterization of the left's glitterati illuminates their hypocrisy very well.
Heh. Animal Farm. So many of my classmates didn't get the symbolism or didn't think it applied to America. Sixty years after Orwell wrote it as a satire of Stalin's Soviet Union, it's alarming to see many of those same ideologies at work in modern America.
The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life. - Julie Beck
Thanks Roper, I do think we agree most of the time. Just be careful. Big Brother (aka Ray the closet Communist ) is Watching You!
What scares me most is going back to a time where a few elites ruled us all and the rest of the folks were basically serfs. Two sets of laws, one of the elites and one for the rest of us. The elites have the money, power, and connections to get around the laws that the rest of us have to live under. For example. Out here in California we have a quasi legislative and judicial body called The Coastal Commission. If you live anywhere near the coast this body of folks has to approve any changes you make to your property, even public property. They can levy fines and make other decisions. I have seen where people's houses were falling into the ocean and they would not let them stop the problem without spending millions on engineering studies, hearings, environmental impact reports, lawyers, etc. Those that have the money, power, and connections can get through the maze. Those without the means and power watch it slip away. They have gone after cities where the streets got washed away in a storm and fined them huge $$$$ for trying to keep it all from washing into the ocean. If you have property anywhere within the view of the california coast, they have final say on what you can do with it. When the elites can get away with flaunting the law and get other priviliges we can't then you have a problem. We have watched the elites basically ruin our local national park, Yosemite. The enviros and their buddies want only their people to have access. They won't let the park service fix the roads and have raised entrance fees dramatically. They want every building taken out. They want the number of folks who enter the park limited and no more cars. Then our local congressman tried to get a building owned by the Sierra club in the park torn down. Seemed fair since they were demanding every other building be torn down and the areas restored to their pristine beauty. The howls of protest came, the money flowed and they were allowed to keep their building. Hmmm, I guess they wanted everyone else's buildings out but their own and everyone else out except their own people. This elitism is sickening. It's why I don't watch the Oscars and I don't listen to politicians bloviate anymore. Can anyone tell me what has changed since the Dems took over congress? Oh, right, nothing. Same tax code, same medicare, same social security, same border problem, same everything except for more campaign contributions. These elected representatives do not pay into social security, they have their own health and retirement programs. Why then would they be motivated to fix the system. They make careers out of public service. Back in the day, the legislature was not a full time job nor was it intended to become a life long job. The elites have taken over, we just haven't awakened to the new reality yet.